441. Editorial Note
The Peopleʼs National Congress (PNC) of Prime Minister Burnham won 30 of the 53 seats in Parliament in the December 16 elections. Burnhamʼs PNC won 50.7 percent of the domestic vote and a heavy majority of the overseas which raised his total to 55.8 percent of the registered voters. The United Force (UF) party of Portuguese businessman Peter DʼAguiar emerged from the election with only 4 seats in Parliament. Jaganʼs Peopleʼs Progressive Party (PPP) won only 19 seats. (Airgram A–349, December 31; National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 14 GUYANA)
Ambassador Carlson reported that Burnham “was somewhat disappointed at not making greater inroads into East Indian community [Jagan got almost all of their votes] in view his four year record of peace, stability and economic progress.” (Telegram 2201 from Georgetown, December 20; ibid.)
Burnham named members of the PNC Parliamentary delegation on December 24 and named his new cabinet on December 31, including East Indians and other non-Africans in both groups. (Airgram A–349, December 31; ibid.)
[text not declassified]
More information about U.S. Government reporting of the December 16 Guyana election is ibid., POL 14 GUYANA.