32. Telegram From the Embassy in the Dominican Republic to the Director of the National Security Agency (Carter)1

Critic 5. Joint State/Defense message.

Regret report situation deteriorating rapidly. San Isidro pilots who have been principal element in junta forces tired and discouraged. Army leadership disorganized although Montas just named Commander in Chief armed forces, in effort mobilize army effort. Police Chief Despradel informs his mopping up operations have met such violent resistance he can no longer continue and that his maximum capability now is defense of few key installations. Wessin still expresses confidence, but obviously weary and speaking of need for more men. [Page 77] Rivera Caminero worried and discouraged. De Los Santos and Montas still full of fight.

Chief MAAG just returned from San Isidro where most above officers now gathered found general atmosphere dejected and emotional, with number of officers weeping. Belisario Peguero there also in hysterical mood urging “retreat.”

Benoit of junta sent formal request U.S. supply troops, told MAAG Chief that without help they would “have to quit.” In view this report and recent messages through [less than 1 line of source text not declassified], Country Team unanimously of opinion that, now that we have request from military junta for assistance,2 time has come to land the Marines.

American lives are in danger. We suggest, subject conditions at moment, Marines establish beach head in Hotel Embajador vicinity centering on polo field which can be used by helicopters for landing. We would also be glad have detachment take possession Embassy grounds. If Washington wishes, they can be landed for purpose protect evacuation American citizens. We have just been told by police chief, for instance, that he cannot provide protection route Haina Naval Base which has been used until now for evacuations.

I recommend immediate landing.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 23–9 DOM REP. Confidential. The telegram printed here is the copy repeated to the Department of State, which was received at 5:16 p.m. It was incorrectly identified as “Critic Four”; a handwritten correction on another copy of the telegram indicates it is “Critic Five.” Passed to USIB agencies.
  2. See Document 29.