186. Memorandum From the Presidentʼs Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1
- Dominican Situation
Ambassador Crimmins has sent his assessment of the recent PRD decision to abandon the “constructive opposition” role proclaimed shortly after Balaguer took office. A copy of his cable is attached.2
The analysis elaborates what was already evident: that a trend toward political polarization has started which, if left unchecked, could produce a dangerous situation in the next 6–9 months. The threatened polarization would probably take this path:
- —the radical elements now in control of the PRD would move the party toward the extreme left and make common cause with the Communists.
- —Balaguer, failing to build up his PR party and broaden his popular base, would increasingly depend on the military for support.
Crimmins lists the gross options open to us this way:3 [Page 438]
- —Let matters take their course and hope for the best. (This is out of the question.)
- —Encourage the decay of the PRD to the point that it becomes an extreme left splinter associated with or allied to the Communists, and thereby discredited. (It is too risky to let the Communists capture the PRD label.)
- —Try to keep the PRD from moving to the far left and at the same time persuade Balaguer to build up his Party. (This is the sensible course we must follow.)4
We must develop a strategy for dealing with the new situation. CIA and State are working on the political component:
- —A Balaguer decision to build the PR Party organization, plus funds and organizers to do it.
- —Public relations assistance to Balaguer to improve his image.
- —Political advice to Balaguer on how to deal with the PRD opposition. (Garcia Godoy should be especially helpful here.)
- —Assistance to moderate elements of the PRD to keep active in the Party.
The economic component will receive a thorough review when Ambassador Crimmins and his top AID advisers come to Washington to map out what we do in 1967. We know that our $40 million investment program is going reasonably well. What we donʼt have is an overall view of how the economy is doing, the trends and Balaguerʼ development plans for next year.
Crimmins was slated to arrive here the second week in December. Linc Gordon has asked that he come right after Thanksgiving.
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Dominican Republic, Vol. XVII. Secret; Sensitive. The President wrote at the top of the memorandum: “Walt, stay on top of this. This needs attention.”↩
- Reference is to telegram 1515 from Santo Domingo, November 14, retyped for the President, attached but not printed.↩
- Crimmins lists these options in telegram 1542 from Santo Domingo, November 16, retyped for the President, attached but not printed.↩
- In telegram 1542 Crimmins stated that this option offered “more promise” than the first “in helping arrest down-hill movement and providing greater flexibility.”↩