46. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China1
210. For Ambassador from Secretary. I have reviewed recent exchange messages concerning approaches to GRC proposed by Dept in connection reported GRC activities Thailand and Burma. In view of recent conversations Gen Yeh and Chiang Ching-kuo in which US views on GRC-sponsored paramilitary activities SEA reaffirmed, I agree with you that we have probably done enough for the present to make our position clear to the GRC. However, I still believe it would be useful bring to GRC attention at highest level two points which apparently have not been mentioned or stressed in conversations with Yeh and Chiang. We should report to GRC fact that Burmese Foreign Office has expressed to our Embassy Rangoon its concern over resumption what they refer to as “legitimate KMT” activities in Thai-Burma border area under direction GRC officials in Thailand; and we should mention our belief, based upon various reports, that these activities were probably a subject of discussion during Chou En-Lai’s visit Rangoon last July. Both points I believe would be of legitimate interest to GRC even apart from opportunity they provide to restate our position on irregulars.
In connection Burmese Foreign Office approach to us, you might wish say that Burmese did not present evidence of activities in question and our Embassy did not express any opinion as to basis Burmese concern. However, our Ambassador did reaffirm to Burmese our continuing opposition to any recurrence unfortunate Chinese irregulars issue which has left lasting legacy misunderstanding between US and Burma.
I believe it should be possible to bring these points to President Chiang’s attention in manner which would subtly complement rather than offensively duplicate recent conversations with Chiang and Yeh. I suggest further that you introduce these points during next appropriate occasion when you meet with President on other business, rather than seek special meeting to discuss them.
You are of course aware that Chinese irregulars question continues to be of concern to us. We are determined to do everything possible assure that GRC does not undertake excessive or indiscreet actions, as they have in past, which could needlessly complicate our problems in SEA. In this we recognize that GRC has its own axes to grind in SEA. In pursuing its objectives against the mainland, it has a natural tendency to [Page 85] go beyond what we consider limits of prudence and to be less than candid with us in doing so.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL CHINAT-US. Secret; Exdis. Drafted by Dexter, cleared by SEA Director William C. Trueheart and Bundy, and approved and initialed by Rusk. Repeated to Bangkok and Rangoon.↩