100. Telegram From the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Sharp) to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Wheeler)1
Honolulu, September 15, 1965,
150212Z. Exclusive for Gen Wheeler from Sharp. CHINAT/US planning and visit of Defense Minister Chiang Ching-kuo (U).
A. CINCPAC 110234Z.2
- 1.
- In the ref, I commented upon my visit with President Chiang and also upon Ray Cline’s talks with him.
- 2.
- I have received further information from COMUSTDC which is of interest in connection with the forthcoming visit of Defense Minister Chiang Ching-kuo. You will recall that ChiNat/US planning for the “return to the mainland” has the nickname “Blue Lion.”
- 3.
- Ray Cline’s conversation indicates that the Generalissimo felt there was insufficient Blue Lion planning. Comustdc has informed me that Blue Lion planning on TMH TDC/MND level has been reasonably active. During the past two years, twelve Blue Lion meetings have been held as follows:
Month | Year | Number of Meetings |
October | 1963 | 2 |
December | 1963 | 1 |
March | 1964 | 2 |
April | 1964 | 1 |
June | 1964 | 1 |
September | 1964 | 1 |
November | 1964 | 2 |
December | 1964 | 1 |
August | 1965 | 1 |
- 4.
- The same mnd planners who work on Blue Lion were involved in the tdc/mnd war game in January 1965 and the major CPX of Plan Rochester in April 1965. This accounts for the lapse in Blue Lion activity during the first half of this year. At present, the mnd planners are working on two planning projects; one an amphibious assault and drive inland in a northwest direction from the coastal area west of Canton to seal off Vietnam, and second, the logistic plan to support a northwesterly breakout from the lodgment area in the vicinity of Amoy. The first project is scheduled for a tdc/mnd meeting later this month.
- 5.
- I have been informed that the DCM at Taipei has suggested in a message to State that during Chiang Ching-kuo’s visit, the President [Page 203] might propose that a general officer planner from the joint staff be sent to Taiwan from time to time to review Blue Lion planning. Comustdc objected to this on the basis that first, it is not necessary and further, it would bypass CINCPAC. I concur with COMUSTDC. If Blue Lion planning should be reviewed, it is obviously a job for CINCPAC.
- 6.
- During Chiang Ching-kuo’s visit to Honolulu next week, I intend to discuss frankly with him the ChiCom defenses in the south China area which are available to counter an amphibious landing. I will point out to him in general terms the kind of force which would be required to support an amphibious landing and let him know that we are thoroughly aware of the size of the task. I am sure he will get this kind of information in Washington also. But it seems appropriate to speak frankly with him during his visit here.