27. Editorial Note
Intelligence-gathering and covert political activities in Korea in 1964 were limited. Efforts were directed toward improving and coordinating intelligence collection relative to North Korea. (Memorandum [Page 53] from Stuart to Hughes, November 24; Department of State, INR/IL Historical Files, Country Files, East Asia and Pacific General File, FE Weekly Staff Meetings, 1964) Modest election and political support of less than $10,000 was extended to four moderate candidates running for seats in the National Assembly in the November 16, 1963, election. Each candidate received support in amounts ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 to supplement campaign funds from other sources. (Election and Party Support in the Far East, 1962–65, undated; ibid., East Asia Reviews, 1964 to 1966; Memorandum from Stuart to Hughes, October 25, 1963; ibid., FE Weekly Staff Meetings, 1963)