263. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Laos1
Washington, October 21, 1966, 12:39
70350. Ref Vientiane 2420.2
- 1.
- Assuming that Acting MinDef Sisoumang as well as Leuam may lack prestige to issue effective orders, recommend you seek inform King of situation and suggest that in Souvanna’s absence he issue cease fire order to General Ma and any other commanders identified as involved in action. First objective should be total stand down.
- 2.
- Assume you have directed US personnel to take all possible steps to withhold ammunition and disassociate US personnel from RLAF Tactical Air except for personnel left for contact purposes at your discretion.
- 3.
- Leave entirely to your discretion whether any answer to Ma’s appeal likely be effective without being misunderstood by General Staff and Cabinet. Suggest you consider message to effect that after you have valid evidence all hostile acts have been halted you prepared meet (or have representative meet) with Ma at some agreed neutral point, perhaps Udorn, to hear his problem. Any such response should of course make clear this does not constitute “support” and should probably be made only with agreement of Kouprasith or whoever is acting for Ouan.
- 4.
- Unless you have objection (by flash message) we intend pass summary of all info on Ma’s attack to Souvanna in Paris.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–9 LAOS. Secret; Flash; Limdis. Drafted by Hamilton and approved by Berger. Repeated flash to Saigon and Manila for William Bundy, who was attending the Manila Conference with South Vietnamese leaders.↩
- Document 262.↩