223. Telegram From the Embassy in Laos to the Department of State1

978. 1. Because of increased enemy pressure against Neutralist positions near Phou Kout, there is an immediate threat to the vital installation at Muong Soui. A loss of Muong Soui would be disastrous because of its key position leading into the approaches to Route 13. It would also cause considerable complications because of the Thai artillery unit stationed there.

2. Souvanna has reviewed this situation with his military commanders and has concluded (as we have known all along) that the safety of Muoung Soui requires the capture of Phou Kout. He therefore asked me to use napalm to clean out enemy positions which are deeply entrenched on Phou Kout so that Neutralist troops can capture it.

3. My Attaches have reviewed assault plans with the Neutralist commander, Colonel Sing, and have concluded that he has a feasible proposal for the operation. It is scheduled to kick off at 1000 hours Monday March 14.

4. We have made arrangements with 2AD to provide adequate USAF strike planes, with napalm, to accomplish the objective. There is to be no publicity.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 LAOS. Top Secret; Limdis; Priority. Repeated to JCS, CINCPAC, COMUSMACV, 2d Air Division, and Bangkok.
  2. In telegram 586 to Vientiane, March 11, the Department of State agreed to the use of napalm provided the plans for the assault offered good prospects for success, napalm was essential to the operations, and it could not be delivered by the RLAF. (Ibid., POL 17 LAOS)