214. Telegram From the Embassy in Laos to Secretary of Defense McNamara1

230525Z. Reur 9191.2

I wish appeal at highest levels against decision cited reftel re suspension U.S. air operations Laos.
Second military region, which is heart of Meo country, is experiencing heavy DRV attacks which obviously timed coincide with Meo New Year (Dec 22–25). Souvanna called me in yesterday and asked that we respond to these attacks by maximum air strikes.
I have undertaken obtain these strikes and have received allocation 36 sorties from Second Air Division for today’s operations in this area. Several forward positions (notably Site 58) have already fallen and we anticipate heavy enemy pressure extending over several days which could menace Nakhang (Site 36) and Tha Thom (Site 11) unless these attacks are thwarted.
Realize that Vietnam stand down requires appearance of no hostile activity originating from bases in Vietnam itself. However, with suspension Rolling Thunder, there ought to be assets available from Thailand and Seventh Fleet which could operate in Laos without press detection.
Although I don’t really see how Laos fits into VC Christmas truce package, I would be willing concur in suspension Barrel Roll-Steel Tiger normal operations. However, I can see no way in which we can justify a suspension of Bango support for RLG units which, I am sure, will continue to be under heavy DRV attack all during Christmas period. VC offer of truce obviously does not apply to Laos, where Hanoi never admits they are fighting in any event.
Please revise instructions soonest so that we can continue program operations as needed.3
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 LAOS. Top Secret; Flash; handled by S/S-O as Limdis. Repeated to the Department of State as 678, which is the source text, Saigon, CINCPAC, COMUSMACV, and JCS.
  2. McNamara’s 9191 to Vientiane has not been found. The pause in bombing over Laos was in conjunction with the bombing pause over North Vietnam, to begin on December 24. See the editorial note in Foreign Relations, 1964–1968, vol. III, pp. 691692.
  3. In telegram 415 to Vientiane, December 23, the Department of State stated that it understood the continuing need for air support for RLG units and authorized a continuation by Thai based and aircraft carrier planes. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 LAOS)