209. Telegram From the Embassy in Laos to the Department of State1
Vientiane, December 4, 1965,
610. Embtel 605.2
- 1.
- This morning before his departure Ambassador Sullivan told me he had had opportunity inform Souvanna yesterday evening of his meeting December 3 with Generals Westmoreland and Moore (see reftel) and of increasing US concern over infiltration men and supplies through Panhandle.
- 2.
- Souvanna told Ambassador US should employ whatever resources necessary to counter infiltration but should in no event publicly admit conduct of operations in Laos. We regard this as further striking confirmation of PriMin’s willingness play ball with us provided we can continue to avoid publicity concerning operations in Laos. Latter is indeed crucial aspect of our relations with PriMin on military questions, and we regard it as of utmost importance that we continue maintain absolute silence about what we are doing or plan to do.
- 3.
- Souvanna has approved installation of TACANs in northern and southern Laos as navigational aids to civil and military air operations those areas. Once problem of manning these has been resolved (see paras 5, 6, and 7 of reftel) we should be able to move ahead quickly with COMUSMACV and 2nd Air Div to arrange for TACAN installation. Recent serious navigational errors in Panhandle make installation of TACANs in our view both imperative and urgent, and assurances to PriMin that we shall seek avoid further strikes on friendly positions are not very meaningful unless we can foll through with concrete actions. Team from mission will proceed Saravane early next week to examine possible secure sites for TACAN in that area and also to appraise what improvements and facilities are needed to permit General Ma to operate T–28’s out of Saravane Airport. Will therefore appreciate earliest reply of manning problem.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 LAOS. Top Secret; Priority; Limdis. Repeated to Bangkok, Saigon, CINCPAC,COMUSMACV, DEPCHJUSMAG, DOD, and JCS.↩
- In telegram 605, December 3, Sullivan reported on his meeting with Westmoreland and Moore at Udorn to discuss plans for more intensive air operations in the panhandle, including the desirability of adding additional navigational aids (TACANs) and ways to avoid mistaken air strikes against friendly positions. (Ibid.)↩