204. Action Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Bundy) to Acting Secretary of State Ball1


  • U.S. Air Operations in Laos
Recent U.S. aerial photography has revealed Pathet Lao/North Vietnamese road construction and improvement activities along the eastern part of southern Laos where infiltration routes into South Viet Nam are located. Photography has specifically detected the construction of an alternate route—Route 911—east of Route 23, south of Route 12 and north of Tchepone. In addition, photography has revealed the use of trellises to camouflage portions of this road, which is also covered by heavy foliage. (Map attached.)2
When Ambassador Sullivan briefed Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma on the above on November 14,3 he also showed the Prime Minister photographs of the trellissed road. Upon seeing these photographs the Prime Minister recommended that defoliants be used to open it to air observations and attack.
In view of the Prime Minister’s recommendation, the Department of Defense has proposed a joint State/Defense message to CINCPAC noting the Prime Minister’s interest in intensified air operations against the infiltration routes in southern Laos and specifically concurring in the Prime Minister’s recommendation regarding the use of defoliants.
We recommend that the Department concur in this proposed message.4 Before doing so, however, I wish to bring the matter to your attention since this would be the first use in our air operations in Laos of defoliants. Pathet Lao propaganda has in the past accused the United States of using defoliants, toxic chemicals and napalm in its air operations in Laos. We can expect that the actual use of defoliants will lead to a concerted Pathet Lao propaganda campaign to highlight this development, which will be supported by Hanoi and Peiping, as evidence of increased active US intervention and escalation in Laos.
As you know, because of Lao sensitivities and our own considerations with respect to the 1962 Geneva Agreements, we do not acknowledge or otherwise comment on our air activities in Laos beyond acknowledging that at the request of the RLG we have been conducting air reconnaissance in Laos since May 1964, in the face of continued Pathet Lao/North Vietnamese attacks against the Lao government and in view of the inability of the International Control Commission to carry out its responsibilities because of Pathet Lao refusal to permit the Commission to do so. In the event of future questions or charges regarding the use of defoliants, we would plan to take the same line (i.e. not to acknowledge or otherwise comment on the matter).


That, unless you perceive objection, the Department concur in the proposed Department of Defense message authorizing the use of defoliants.

  1. Source: Department of State,EA/Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Files: Lot 75 D 394. Top Secret. Drafted by Barbis and cleared by Unger.
  2. Not found.
  3. As reported in telegram 487 from Vientiane, November 14. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 VIET S) In telegram 532 from Vientiane, November 22, Sullivan requested authorization for COMUSMACV to use defoliants. (Ibid., POL 27–10 LAOS)
  4. Sent as telegram 330 to Vientiane, November 24. (Ibid.)
  5. Ball approved this recommendation on November 22.