151. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense McNamara1



  • Operations in Laos (U)
The Joint Chiefs of Staff understand that on Saturday, 19 December 1964, there will be an interdepartmental meeting to discuss further [Page 308] the controlled program of graduated pressures on the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) including a second week’s plan of US armed reconnaissance/prebriefed air strikes against infiltration routes and facilities in Laos. This second week’s plan will be a follow-on to the first week’s program of two missions, which was presented in JCSM–1041–64, dated 11 December 1964,2 and approved at the meeting on 12 December 1964.3
The Joint Chiefs of Staff understand that a gradual increase in intensity of operations is intended for the second week. They consider that some relaxation in the existing guidance will be required in order that more frequent route coverage may be obtained and a greater number of aircraft may be assigned certain missions. Additionally, the Joint Chiefs of Staff consider that towards the end of the second week operations should be extended from those against corridor infiltration targets to armed reconnaissance of Route 7, the main route from the DRV leading into the Plaine des Jarres. Prime Minister Souvanna has frequently asked that the United States interdict this route.
Accordingly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend that the following missions be approved for the second week’s plan of US armed reconnaissance/prebriefed air strikes (Annex) in Laos:
Primary Mission
Armed route reconnaissance by six-eight aircraft sorties of Route 23 between its junction with Route 12 and the southern limit of Pathet Lao (PL) controlled area (Savannakhet/Saravane Province boundary); secondary target if ordnance not expended during route reconnaissance: Tchepone barracks (RLAF Target No. 3).
Armed route reconnaissance by six-eight aircraft sorties of Route 9 between the Republic of Vietnam border and the junction with Route 23 at Ban Yang; secondary target if ordnance not expended during route reconnaissance: Tchepone military area (RLAF Target No. 4).
Armed route reconnaissance by 12 aircraft sorties of Route 7 between the DRV border and Nong Pet (19–33N/103–26E); secondary target if ordnance not expended during route reconnaissance: Nong Het supply area (19–29N/103–59E).
Repeat Missions. Repeat first week’s armed route reconnaissance of Routes 8, 121, and 12; secondary targets if ordnance not expended during route reconnaissance: Ban Thay military area (RLAF Target No. 19) and Ban Kha Dap military camp (16–37–20N/106–31–00E).
The Joint Chiefs of Staff will alert the Commander in Chief, Pacific, that these missions are under consideration and that he should be prepared to conduct them.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Curtis E. LeMay
Acting Chairman
Joint Chiefs of Staff
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD/Admin Files: FRC 69 A 7425, Laos 381. Top Secret. Attached but not printed was a map.
  2. Not printed. (Ibid., OASD/ISA Files: FRC 68 A 4023, Laos 000.1–370.64 (092 Laos), 1964)
  3. The meeting was held at the Department of State at 10 a.m. and was attended by William Bundy (chairman), McGeorge Bundy, Ball, Forrestal, Cooper, McCone, Vance, McNaughton, Mustin, and MacDonald. Vietnam comprised the bulk of the discussion. (Telegram 1265 to Saigon, December 12; Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 VIET S)