205. Action Memorandum From the Chairman of the Cambodian Study Group (Unger) to the Under Secretary of State (Katzenbach)1
- Initial Report by the Joint State-Defense-CIA Study Group for Cambodia
1. Pursuant to a suggestion to you from Deputy Secretary Vance, agreement was reached last December on the establishment of Joint Study Group under Department of State Chairmanship to discuss means of dealing with the problem of Viet Cong-North Vietnamese use of Cambodia. In addition to State, representatives of the Department of Defense and CIA participated in the study and USIA was included in the discussions of psychological operations.
2. The Study Group has now completed its initial report which I am submitting to you at Tab A. In this report (pages 1–4) you will find a summary and a series of recommendations which provide the essence of our findings. It is our hope that the report will serve as a policy and operating guide for the Cambodian question as it relates to the war in Viet-Nam. The report is labeled “initial” in recognition of the need to reassess its findings regularly.
3. If you approve the report I recommend that you forward it to Messrs. Vance and Helms (see draft letter at Tab B)2 and invite their approval as well. Once the report is approved I would recommend also providing an information copy to Mr. Marks, USIA.
4. As the work of the Study Group proceeded we were able to reach immediate agreement on certain recommended actions and authorization was given to proceed with these forthwith as noted in the report, beginning on page 26. In addition to those actions, primarily in the military field, we have also been proceeding with diplomatic and informational activities.
5. With respect to certain other recommended actions, the Study Group deferred decision in one instance and in the remaining cases decided it was inadvisable to approve the actions under present circumstances. These deferred and disapproved proposals are discussed in the report starting on page 30. The deferred decision concerns certain limited ground reconnaissance operations, including the participation of US [Page 445] personnel, in a limited area of Northeast Cambodia adjacent to South Viet-Nam and Laos (code name: Daniel Boone). Because of the sensitivity of these operations I wished them to be considered at a high level in the Department but I recommend that they be approved since I consider the military utility high and the risk of exposure low.
6. It is recommended that you:
- a)
- Approve the Initial Report (Tab A) of the Study Group and sign the letters transmitting it to Defense and CIA (see Tab B).
- b)
- Approve the Daniel Boone operation recommended by the Study Group and concur in the transmittal of the messages contained in Tab K of the Initial Report.
[Here follows a table of contents.]
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 VIET S. Top Secret. Drafted by Unger and initialed by Kohler.↩
- Attached but not printed.↩
- Katzenbach approved both recommendations on May 9.↩
- Top Secret; Limdis.↩
- Special National Intelligence Estimate 57–67: Significance of Cambodia to the Vietnamese Communist War Effort. [Footnote in the source text; see Document 199.]↩
- In JCS telegram 5937 to CINCPAC, May 22, the Joint Chiefs informed CINCPAC that Daniel Boone cross-border operations for northeastern Cambodia were approved subject to certain restrictions: The area was limited; reconnaissance teams were to total not more than 12 men (with no more than 3 U.S. advisers); tactical airstrikes and/or the commitment of exploitation forces into Cambodia was not approved; infiltration and exfiltration would be by foot; mission time would be kept to the minimum; all precautions should be taken to avoid contact with Cambodians; purpose of the operation was intelligence and verification; no more than three missions could be undertaken at one time; missions required prior JCS approval with notification of the Department of State; and the operations would not be acknowledged. (Department of Defense, JCS Official Records, 880/211 (22 May 67) IR 2278)6↩