82. Note From Robert W. Komer of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)1
Bill B. feels we’ve got to start rolling on a successor to Howard Jones, who’s not in best of health, has been in Djakarta almost seven years, and is nibbling at offer to be head of East-West Center in Hawaii.
Bill had hoped to tap Gale McGee (if defeated). Now he has no other candidate than Jake Beam. Jake’s a good, solid guy but not man I’d choose to deal with Sukarno. Bill would like Wilson Wyatt, but we recall that the Oval Room put the kibosh on him. Is a rehearing possible?2 Wyatt would be great.
I’m quite worried lest, on top of all the other anti-Bung gestures we’re making these days, pulling out Howard would be wholly misconstrued by the Bung. Ergo, unless we can find a really good man quick, why not keep Jones there a few months longer while we search.
Bill wants a quick reading on WH sentiment. What’s your reaction?3