204. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Indonesia1

1182. 1. As new Indonesian government attempts to build up international support for Indo economy fact that GOI has cut itself off from almost all international organizations will present growing problem. We assume that responsible people like Sultan and Malik aware of need to re-join the world, but that they will feel need to proceed slowly and to avoid challenging Sukarno decisions directly.

2. We believe Indos should be encouraged to start reentry into at least those organizations which can help them directly or through coordination multilateral assistance. We expect GOI will be receiving advice to this effect from other countries they are or will be approaching for help, but think it would be unwise for USG to take initiative with Indos as they likely both to suspect our motives and to assume our interest indicates they have new bargaining asset with us.

3. At same time, Indos will probably worry about our reaction if they attempt either rejoin any of organizations they have left or join others they have not been in, notably Asian Development Bank. If feelers put out indicating such concern, believe you should make clear [Page 425] we would support Indo applications quietly and would not seek exploit their action as western victory. If your advice sought, you might suggest that Indo statement of intention join ADB (with which GOI has no history) could be useful opening gambit.

4. Foregoing position is, of course, based on our conclusion that Indos should be drawn back into real world, that they likely prove unreliable and often unfriendly voice and vote, but that importance of former outweighs risk of latter.

5. Djakarta comments requested.2

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 1 INDON. Secret; Limdis. Drafted by Cuthell, cleared with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Walter J. Stoessel, Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs David H. Popper, Barnett, Ewing, and Officer-in-Charge of Japan Affairs Richard W. Petree. Repeated to Bangkok, Bonn, Canberra, The Hague, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, London, Manila, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Tokyo, Wellington, CINCPAC for POLAD, and USUN.
  2. In telegram 2732 from Djakarta, March 24, the Embassy agreed it was in U.S. interest to draw Indonesia back “into the real world” by joining useful international organizations and that the United States should remain in the background. (Ibid.)