19. Telegram From the Embassy in Japan to the Department of State1
2118. A short substantive talk Saturday2 morning followed very cordial breakfast meeting.
Attorney General said that he had had talks with British and Malaysian Ambassadors and that Ambassador Jones had talked to Australian Ambassador. All three seemed to be encouraged.
Attorney General outlined his plans as follows: will go to Philippines Sunday night, Kuala Lumpur Tuesday morning and then London. Sukarno asked if he could not come to Djakarta and Attorney General agreed one day visit beginning Wednesday. Attorney General promised to give Sukarno further report through Ambassador Jones following his visit to London. In this connection he said it was most important that everybody understood our position, he pointed out that we have treaty commitments in the area and that our attitudes would necessarily be influenced by whether or not all accepted the proposal for cease-fire followed by tripartite meeting.
The Attorney General said only matter that seemed to remain undecided was the question of being sure that the situation remained under control in the event of an incident. He suggested that all involved should be agreeable to refraining from any retaliation if there were an incident. He also thought that it would be wise to get agreement of an Asian power to send in an observer in the event of an incident. There was some discussion of the possibility of the Thais but final decision was to ask Japanese if they would be prepared to help out in this way.
As to timing, Indonesians felt preparations for a meeting should be made as rapidly as possible. Sukarno said he would meet with KOTI (Supreme Military Advisory Council) Tuesday and would be prepared to announce cessation military confrontation as soon as he was informed by Attorney General that the Tunku was ready to meet with him. It was decided Sukarno might make such announcement on Wednesday during, or at end of, Attorney General’s visit.
In short discussion of timing of actual implementation of cease-fire, Jani said it would take about one week to get proper control of guerrillas already inside Sarawak and Sabah. Subandrio expressed the [Page 41] hope that the British and Malaysians would refrain from any “mopping up operations.” Attorney General replied that British/Malaysians could hardly be expected refrain from attempting capture “bandits” and that General Jani should instruct guerrillas to take care of themselves by withdrawing into jungle. Sukarno said that all reconnaissance flights should also stop. The Attorney General agreed flights by both sides should stop.
Attorney General said we did not wish to get into technical details arrangement tripartite meeting but were interested how this to be done. Subandrio said Thanat best choice this mission. Attorney General said we would keep Thanat up-to-date on developments.
Attorney General suggests that Bangkok be authorized advise Thanat confidentially substance this tel and Embtel 2109 to Dept repeated Bangkok 50.3 We would prefer not to pass this to Macapagal or the Tunku as the Attorney General will wish to do so in more detail and in his own way. Department please instruct Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok if this agreeable.
Instructions contained Deptel 18454 arrived after meeting.
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 32–1 INDON–MALAYSIA. Secret; Flash. Repeated to Canberra, London, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore, Djakarta, Hong Kong, and Bangkok. Passed to the White House.↩
- January 18.↩
- Document 17.↩
- See footnote 4, Document 17.↩