49. Telegram From the Station in the Congo to the Central Intelligence Agency1
0481 (In 18736). 1. [COS] met with [Mobutu] for nearly three hours 16 Dec.
2. When questioned about installation new government, [Mobutu] repeated statements reported Leop 0451 (In 15263).2 Added he had discussed with [Identity 1] and told latter he willing open parliament soon as political leaders submit sufficient facts indicate they have parliamentary majority to support a government. In short, [Mobutu] says he ready to permit re-establishment legal govt, but only when political leaders prepared provide stable govt.
3. Unfortunately, Station sees few indications that political leaders (with exception [Identity 2] actively working to form coalition. They talk but appear unable work to achieve objectives. Seriously doubt any govt will be formed prior mid-January and suspect will take much longer.
4. Chief [Embassy] cabled ODACID 17 Dec saying he and English and French colleagues believe it advisable have African leaders meeting Brazzaville put pressure on [Identity 1] obtain legal govt. Station heartily concurs.
5. Chief [Embassy] requests paras 2 and 3 this message be passed ODACID soonest.
End of message.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 78–00435R, DDO/ISS Files, Box 1, Folder 5, [cryptonym not declassified] Ops. Secret; Rybat; [cryptonym not declassified]; Operational Immediate. Received at 1848Z.↩
- Compromise plan to establish Congo govt. [Footnote in the original.] This CIA telegram has not been found.↩