455. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Congo1

594. 1. You authorized deal informally at all levels new regime, though you should at this point avoid formal acts. If question of recognition is raised you should state that subject remains under study in Washington.

2. Dept requests you continue report as extensively as possible following areas:

(a) Indicia of degree effective control being exercised by new regime.

(b) Extent and nature of visible opposition, if any.

(c) Any declarations or statements by new regime that civil liberties and rights to be safeguarded.

(d) Any indications that regime intends take punitive action against deposed leaders or their supporters.

3. Please report ASAP any actions re recognition taken by other members diplomatic community. Request you consult with your diplomatic colleagues, especially African states, on their intended actions this subject.

FYI. Department will probably formally recognize within one week, if situation appears stable and assuming other states, particularly Africans, recognize. End FYI.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 23–9 THE CONGO. Secret; Limdis. Drafted by R.H. Neuman of L/AF; cleared by Brown, Walsh, and Trimble; and approved by Richard D. Kearney of L. Repeated to Brussels, London, and Paris.