254. Memorandum for the Record1


  • Minutes of the Meeting of the 303 Committee, 10 September 1964


  • Mr. Bundy, Ambassador Thompson, Mr. Vance, and Mr. McCone
  • Colonel Ralph D. Steakley was present for Item 1

[Omitted here is discussion of other subjects.]

7. Congo

Mr. McCone brought up the subject of covert support [less than 1 line not declassified] and said he hoped the time was near when the C–130’s could be withdrawn and with them, most of the U.S. military support force. Mr. Vance estimated that withdrawal of the C–130’s would result in a reduction of no more than 125 personnel, leaving approximately [Page 369] the same number for other required tasks, including T–28 maintenance. Mr. McCone indicated that two C–54’s and several C–46’s were earmarked to satisfy the Congolese government lift requirements and handling and maintenance would be supervised by a Panamanian company which was recruiting in Europe; this would reduce the American presence. Mr. McCone added that it was his impression that considering the prejudices against Tshombe in Addis Ababa, both self imposed and otherwise, he had emerged relatively unscathed and with some degree of stature.

[Omitted here is discussion of another subject.]

Peter Jessup
  1. Source: National Security Council, Intelligence Files, 303 Committee, Minutes – 1964. Secret; Eyes Only. Prepared on September 11.