247. Telegram From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1
2223. Following letter addressed to Secretary of State from Prime Minister may be used if Secretary wishes, at lunch planned November 29 mark close-out of AID-Iran. We not aware if Ambassador Ansary has received copy of letter but Dept. might wish consider consulting with him concerning its use.
“The official termination of the American AID programme in Iran affords me this welcome opportunity to extend to you, along with my very warm personal regards, the sincere thanks and appreciation of the Iranian people.”
“The period through which we have been the grateful recipients of your aid stands as an example of the highly successful and cordial cooperation which has always characterized the enriching association of Iran with your great country.”
“Today, as we stand on the threshold of our fourth economic development plan, we wish to strengthen our productive economic and commercial relations with the United States. Iran’s fourth plan will offer new opportunities to your private sector to participate in the economic progress which we can justifiably expect. American private investors, with their great technical resources and managerial effectiveness, can do much to contribute to our self-sustaining economic development. I hope you will extend a cordial invitation to the American private sector to examine carefully the opportunities which Iran offers and to explore further cooperative ventures mutually beneficial to both countries.”
We plan release letter here only as part of story of phase-out ceremonies in Washington.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, AID Limited Official Use.↩