325. Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State1

1353. Secto 48. 1. Following memcon uncleared, FYI, Noforn, subject to amendment upon review.2

During UAR FonMin Riyad’s call on Secretary October 7, Secretary raised subject recent UAR press and radio campaign accusing CIA of being party of Jordan-Saudi-Israeli-British plot against Syria.3 Secretary raised matter in context difficulties Executive branch has encountered in Congress this year on economic aid legislation. Secretary stated there is disposition on our part to have good relations with UAR and to cooperate in areas of common interest, including food. He expressed concern re press charges and categorically denied them. He expressed hope that such unfounded allegations would cease and there would be a period of calm and quiet in which to sort out our relations without undue pressures from respective public opinions.

2. FonMin replied that the Secretary knew there was trouble within area at present time which UAR had hoped avoid. He called King Faisal prime villain with King Hussein, Prime Minister Tell as participants. FonMin said that while US could dismiss this as Arab problem sometimes US name used by both sides, in this case by Jordanians. Abu Asali told Egyptians he heard from Jordanians CIA connected with plot. Secretary stated USG aware some make this claim to add weight to their cause. FonMin said because US had taken sides in Arab region in past this association always comes to mind.

3. Riyad expressed puzzlement why Hussein undertaking present “adventure” which puts him in dangerously weak position.

4. Secretary closed conversation by stating that since assuming his position he had seen 54 coups d’etat none of which involved CIA; [Page 644] he asked FonMin to assure President Nasser that US not involved in Asali episode.

5. Other subjects discussed (Viet-Nam, South Arabia, Yemen) will be reported septels.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL ARAB–ISR. Secret; Limdis. Repeated to Cairo, Amman, Damascus, Beirut, Jidda, and Baghdad.
  2. Memoranda of the conversation are ibid., Conference Files: Lot 67 D 305, CF 83.
  3. A memorandum from William McAfee of INR/DDC to Hughes records an October 4 meeting among Davies, Bergus, James R. Gardner of INR/DDC, and a CIA representative, at which Davies noted the recent charges in Cairo about a Jordanian-CIA plot to overthrow the Syrian regime and asked what was going on. The CIA representative replied that as far as CIA was concerned, nothing. The group speculated as to the reason for the UAR charges but reached no decision as to what should be done about them. (Department of State,INR Historical Files, NEA-CIA Meetings, 1965–1967)