304. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1

I have checked with Secretary McNamara, as you requested, on the economic program loan for Jordan. I have just received word from [Page 606] him that he concurs in the recommendation of Secretary Rusk, David Bell, Charles Schultze, and myself.2

In relation to this loan, you will be interested in a talk I had this morning with Shimon Peres, former Israeli Defense Minister, whom Abe Feinberg brought in. He spoke with great respect of Hussein and cited the unspoken “agreement” between Israel and Jordan to dampen border troubles. He made clear that Israel prizes Hussein’s independence of Cairo to which our aid to Jordan is decisive.

I recommend you approve this loan.3

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Jordan, Vol. II. Secret.
  2. Rostow’s June 17 memorandum to McNamara requesting his views, a June 21 message telling Rostow McNamara had called to give his concurrence, and a memorandum of June 27 from McNamara to Rostow giving his formal concurrence are ibid.
  3. The approval line is checked.