2. Letter From President Johnson to King Hussein1

Your Majesty:

I am taking the occasion of the visit of my good friend and colleague Sargent Shriver to the Holy Land to have him convey to Your Majesty my sincere greetings and warm good wishes.

Although I have never visited Jordan, I feel I know your country both because of my deep interest in the Bible and because of the very close and cordial relations this country has with Jordan. Our support of Jordan’s progress under Your Majesty’s wise leadership has been shown in many ways. We have followed with pride the advances in Jordan’s economic and political welfare. The United States [Page 3] is pleased to be associated with Your Majesty’s efforts to build your country and serve your people.

I know the heavy burdens and serious obstacles faced by Your Majesty in leading Jordan forward. Only a few years ago it took great faith to believe Jordan could overcome the obstacles in its advance towards economic self-sufficiency. Your Majesty supplied that faith through your leadership. Your enduring confidence has now demonstrated that economic independence in the foreseeable future is no idle dream. Let me assure you most sincerely and categorically that the United States will continue to assist as it is able Jordan’s efforts toward achieving the goals you have so wisely set.2


Lyndon B. Johnson
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Special Head of State Correspondence, Jordan—Presidential Correspondence. The text of the letter was transmitted in telegram 269 to Amman, January 3. (National Archives and Records Administration,RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 15–1 JORDAN)
  2. Shriver delivered the President’s letter to King Hussein on January 6. Telegram 319 from Amman, January 7, summarized their conversation. Shriver asked the King if an informal visit with President Johnson in April would be agreeable if it could be arranged, and the King replied that he would be happy to accept an invitation for such a visit. (Ibid., POL 7 JORDAN)