45. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations1

3018. Cyprus—Hostage Problem. Ref: Nicosia’s 1244, 1254.2 Dept agrees with Emb Nicosia that increased hostage taking by Greek Cypriots, and particularly likelihood that sizeable number those taken recent days are dead, has serious implications for efforts restore law and order on Cyprus and establish conditions under which rational efforts resolve basic political problem could be undertaken. We fear that when news breaks, as it doubtless will soon, that sizeable number of Turk Cypriots abducted have been killed, Turk Cypriot forces in Cyprus may respond by abducting and shooting Greek Cypriots or otherwise lashing out with acts of violence. Hostage taking and executions also fodder for militant elements Turkey and could stimulate further GOT moves against Greek community Istanbul and lead to renewed threat of intervention.

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To try head off or blunt these ominous possibilities, we believe would be desirable for SYG call in Rossides and Bitsios and impress on them serious view which he takes of abductions. SYG could launch his démarche by stressing that SC resolutions March 4 and 11 call on all UN member states, including GOC, take no action likely to worsen situation in Cyprus and requests GOC in line its responsibilities for maintaining law and order in Cyprus to take “all additional measures necessary” stop violence and bloodshed. SYG could state forthrightly that large scale abductions which have thus far gone unpunished reflect clear failure GOC live up to its responsibilities under resolutions.

Since we could not be sure Rossides would faithfully reflect seriousness of SYG démarche, we believe it would be extremely important that Thant impress on Bitsios grave implications of hostage taking and probable killing of hostages. SYG could emphasize to Bitsios that, given support for Greek Cypriots by GOG, abductions and probable killings can only lead to further deterioration in Greco-Turkish relations and play into hands militant elements on all sides. We would hope Bitsios would get message and that GOG would in turn drive home to Makarios that abductions must cease and that hostages still living must be released.

As Galo Plaza will presumably be returning Cyprus next few days,3 we feel would also be useful that he carry strong message from SYG to Makarios along lines suggested démarche in New York and adding, in accordance last paragraph Nicosia 1254, that GOC has obligation to take whatever steps necessary prevent further abductions. Message might refer to reports that some or all those abducted have been executed, and ask that Makarios effect release of hostages still in hands Greek Cypriots. In light Makarios sensitivity foreign criticism and his vanity re personal image, such message might infer that, unless Makarios acts, SYG may feel compelled make public statement condemning abductions.

You requested suggest foregoing course either directly to SYG or through Bunche and urge that SYG act upon it while Galo Plaza in New York. Suggest you indicate we find abductions and potential trouble stemming therefrom particularly disquieting since through efforts of UNFICYP number and scale of incidents has been significantly reduced and gratifying progress being made on civil side particularly harvesting scheme. We believe would be desirable for Galo Plaza, with his on-the-spot knowledge, sit in on SYG meetings with Rossides and Bitsios; in case of former to ensure that Cyprus Rep does not attempt gloss over this serious matter, and with Bitsios to put in perspective seriousness abduction problem for UN peacekeeping effort and work of mediator. We have been impressed by Galo Plaza’s quick grasp of Cyprus situation. Statements [Page 96] made by him both public and in meetings with Cypriot leaders have, we feel, struck just the right note.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–8 CYP. Confidential. Drafted by Moffit; cleared by Jernegan, Buffum, and L/UNA; and approved by Sisco. Repeated to Nicosia, London, Athens, and Ankara.
  2. Telegram 1244, March 15, reported the shared concern of U.S. and British officials in Cyprus about a renewal of the fighting. (Ibid.) Telegram 1254, May 20, reported that the issue of hostages “has been brought to head” by the announcement that 74 of the 91 Turkish Cypriots taken hostage by Greek Cypriots were unaccounted for. The telegram outlined efforts of U.N. officials to secure the release of the hostages. (Ibid.)
  3. On May 11, Secretary-General Thant informed the Security Council that Galo Plaza was going to Cyprus as his Special Representative.