32. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Turkey1

1076. Acting Secretary Ball gave following response to Turk Ambassador’s request for US views on Turk Government’s intention request SC consideration recent developments on Cyprus:

Question of calling SC meeting essentially GOT decision. USG would not oppose meeting if GOT decides call SC. However, we do not see constructive results; in fact, we see risk discussion might be turned against Turks and in particular focus on position Turk contingent. In that event, we are not sure SC action would be a good one, since SC might insist on Turk contingent’s returning to barracks.
We have considered whether there are ways in which we could limit SC consideration to debate and airing of issue. We doubt SC consideration can be limited to this. Our Embassy in Ankara indicates your Government has in mind a simple res making it clear Makarios is offending party. We doubt such res could be obtained. At best, res would be even-handed exhortation to both sides and, more likely, res would seek to pressure GOT move its contingent to barracks.
As result careful study and appraisal, we suggest following steps as alternatives:
that GOT send letter for circulation to Members SC stating its views and reserving right to call meeting at later date;
that GOT continue its informal démarches with SYG in New York and with Gyani, with view to bringing end to incidents and pressing UN take action to find ways give relief to some localities where Turk-Cypriots find themselves in difficult position;
in view indications that SYG appreciates Turk concern over pullback to barracks, perhaps GOT should make counter-proposal to UN which might be suggestion that Turk contingent move into encampment near road rather than into barracks;
USG will increase our consultation efforts both in New York and in Nicosia to be as helpful as possible. In particular, USG prepared press UN see what further it can do with respect Turk localities and villages under siege and to urge UN have its force interpret its mandate as vigorously as possible. In addition, we would consider any other steps that GOT might develop.
We see certain encouraging signs, perhaps because we in position get more accurate information than Turk Ambassador in Nicosia and perhaps because of our close relations with Gyani. These include:
while it true UN plans use joint patrols employing Greek-Cypriot policemen in Greek quarters, UN also plans use Turk-Cypriot policemen in Turk quarters;
UN seeking increase number its forces and to get them in place as well as develop a non-Cypriot police contingent which should contribute further to stabilizing situation. (specific mention was made of Austrian police increment);
UN has stated its readiness to provide adequate security for Turk members of Government so that Vice President and Ministers can attend meetings, although we recognize impediments Makarios has placed in this regard;
we understand your Government has now received confirmation that UN force, and not Cypriot police, has taken over one road.

Menemencioglu responded he pleased hear about international police contingent. Police force currently monopoly Greek-Cypriots. Constitution provides for 2,000 police force, of which 600 should be Turk-Cypriots. Turk-Cypriots no longer in force, and Makarios had illegally increased size of police force by 5,000 without consultation with Vice President. Ambassador understood Gyani had said he could accept as legitimate police with appropriate authority only those persons who had card identifying themselves as such issued by Makarios. Ambassador said it obvious no Turk-Cypriots could obtain such a card from Makarios and that, therefore, no Turk-Cypriot could be recognized by Gyani as policeman, even former 600 Turk policemen.

Talbot said he assumed UN would not have told us they would use Turk police unless they had plans to do so. (Would appreciate USUN and Nicosia comment on question UN acceptance of cards issued by Makarios as evidence member of police force. If this is system envisaged, how can Turk-Cypriot police obtain card?)

Menemencioglu said his Government very unhappy and worried about Makarios’ visit Athens. GOC seeking Greek assistance in getting Turk contingent off island. In response Acting Secretary’s question, Ambassador said his Government views possibility Grivas return Cyprus as serious. Ambassador continued he personally very unhappy with Greek Government’s actions. He said GOG had at no time condemned Makarios’ actions; in fact, Papandreou had encouraged Makarios by saying Greeks would stand with Cypriots to the end. No Greek has said anything against the bloody actions of Makarios. It is Papandreou, he continued, who brought Makarios and Grivas together. Situation would be grave if Grivas went Cyprus since it would mean encouragement of military action. GOG should emulate GOT action following anti-Greek riots Istanbul 1955 when GOT condemned these riots, paid damages, passed parliamentary res against action, and had Greek [Page 68] flag, which torn down during riots, raised with military honors by Cabinet Minister. GOG has not acted this way, and has instead closely associated itself with Makarios with result that situation in Cyprus now out of hand. In conclusion, Ambassador said emphatically that Makarios should not do anything rash about Turkish contingent.

Ambassador said he would convey USG views to his Government, which he was sure would be most appreciative. In particular, GOT would appreciate our increased activity at the UN and in Nicosia. He would also hope this would include Athens. Acting Secretary said we have in mind further consultations with Greek Government.

Acting Secretary stated that Belcher arriving Ankara Monday for two-day visit. He believed Belcher should have opportunity discuss current situation with GOT. (Ankara please arrange appropriate meetings with Turk officials for Belcher.)

Comment: While we agree final para Ankara’s 1335,2 unlikely, as indicated above, SC meeting could be limited and directed in order obtain results GOT wants. You may wish convey above position to Erkin. All addressees may use appropriately with respective Foreign Offices or in event Turkish démarche.

Menemencioglu seemed gratified receive alternative proposals.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–8 CYP. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Helseth, cleared by Sisco, and approved by Talbot. Also sent to Nicosia and USUN and repeated to London, Paris for USRO, Oslo, and Athens.
  2. Telegram 1335, April 10, reported Erkin’s views on the possibility of successful Cyprus negotiations. The final paragraph reads: “In this context, projected SC meeting, despite our reservations, might be used to advantage if properly directed and also afford appropriate opportunity for us to reassert our interest.” (Ibid.)