101. Telegram From the Mission in Geneva to the Department of State1
296. From Acheson. Had interim sort of meeting with Turks this morning at my request for purpose of preparing them for bad news it seems probable Nikolareisis will be bringing from Athens. I told them I thought we were nearing moment of decision and would not have a great deal of time left to reach agreement. Prospects did not look very good to me. Although I did not know what sort of reply Nikolareisis would bring, I felt pretty sure it would not be satisfactory from Turkish point of view. At same time, I also felt pretty sure it would not necessarily be final Greek word.
Turks took this calmly and said it was really only what they had expected from beginning. Sunalp emphasized belief that Papandreou and Makarios were really working in partnership to play for time until they could achieve their common goal.
I then asked how much longer Erim felt he could continue conversation. I myself thought there was still some hope but apparently he did not. If that was case, was he still prepared to go on and for how long? He replied that would depend on me; he was ready to keep talking until I myself became convinced that case was hopeless. Implied that this conviction on my part would itself be help to Turkish position, just as he had [Page 215] thought my endorsement for need of Turkish military presence on Cyprus had provided moral support which was useful even if no agreement reached with Greeks.
Comment: Conversation most amiable but rather discouraging.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–8 CYP. Secret; Exdis-TAG. Received at 10:57 a.m. and repeated to Athens, Ankara, London, and USUN.↩