33. Editorial Note

On April 18, 1964, President Johnson granted an interview to the German magazine, Quick. The interview together with a photo spread on the President was published in the May 3 edition (pages 8–12, 138–142). The President’s comment that he had told Chancellor Erhard to put himself in the Soviets’ shoes when dealing with West German-Soviet relations generated considerable press commentary in Germany. The President responded to a reporter’s question regarding the remark at his May 6 press conference. For text of the Johnson comment, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964, Book I, page 621.

Commenting on the controversy, Bundy wrote President Johnson: “There is nothing wrong with the statement as a statement, particularly here in Washington. In Germany it carries a little different connotation and is bound to have some boomeranging effect, particularly with Germany’s almost paranoic concern about the ramifications of our contacts with the Soviets.” (Memorandum from Bundy to President Johnson, April 29, 1964; Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Germany, vol. 3)