271. Memorandum of Telephone Conversation1


  • Georg von Lilienfeld, Minister, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Eugene V. Rostow, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Minister Von Lilienfeld called Mr. Rostow to tell him that he had received a personal call from the Chancellor (off the record) on another matter but said that they were concerned about the German situation and in particular what the US and allies would do. Von Lilienfeld said that the Chancellor sounded very worried, that this thing might go on in Berlin, that they wouldn’t be in a position to do much about it but protest, and that the other side could well get away with it. This would have a deep effect on public opinion, that there were feelings of frustration and discontent which seem to be in vogue, and that a weak and ineffective response could affect German attitudes to the allies.

Mr. Rostow said that we do take the GDR move very seriously, that it was extremely important that we work together and that the FRG take responsibility along with the allies.

Mr. Von Lilienfeld said that he also told the Chancellor this. The feeling seems to be that an FRG move on the interzonal trade would not really be effective. Steps in other directions should be taken.

Von Lilienfeld said that Diehl also called him about getting to Berlin by air. If PanAm and some others could increase their air travel to Berlin, sort of a shuttle, that this would have a great effect by showing that something was being done. Von Lilienfeld added that, “Now you have to wait for days before getting to Berlin.” Re the shuttle idea, he thought this would have a strong effect. Mr. Rostow said he would take this up with his colleagues.

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Germany, vol. 15. Secret. No drafting information is on the source text.