- Abortive summit (1968):
- Agreement to hold talks, 675n
- Bohlen’s opposition, 738–739
- Czechoslovakia invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 666–668, 669, 686, 719, 722–723, 738, 757–758
- Formulae for conference communiqué, 701–714, 733–736, 753, 754–755, 758–759, 769–778
- Initial contacts about summit, 649, 655–656
- Invitation for Johnson to come to Soviet Union, 681
- Johnson’s letter to Nixon about U.S. intentions, 761–762
- Johnson’s loss of enthusiasm, 780–781
- McCloy’s opposition, 782–786
- Nixon’s opposition, 758–759, 788–791
- Obstacles to summit, 757–759
- Public announcement, draft statements for, 683–686, 722–724
- Soviet interest in summit in late 1968,
- Soviet rumormongering, 692, 693
- U.S. internal debate re desirability of summit, 666–675, 764–768
- U.S. rationale for summit,779
- Acheson, Dean G., 392–393, 480
- Adair, E. Ross, 397
- Adenauer, Konrad, 91, 92, 129
- Adzhubei, Alexis I., 46, 149, 159
- Aeroflot, 414
- Afghanistan, 351, 748
- Africa, 227
- Aiken, George, 352n , 766
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 184, 193, 387n , 459, 543, 544, 630n
- Albert, Carl, 397
- Algeria, 222, 282, 549, 580
- Alioto, Joseph, 680
- Alliluyeva, Svetlana:
- Alphand, Hervé, 328n
- Alsop, Stewart, 293
- Amerika magazine, 81, 373–374, 380, 659
- Andropov, Yuri, 143, 625
- Antarctic Treaty, 765
- Anti-ballistic missiles, 444, 455–456, 487, 564–565, 578–579
- Arab-Israeli conflict. See Middle East conflict.
- Arends, Leslie C., 397
- Argentina, 764
- Arms control (see also
Multilateral force issue
North Atlantic Treaty Organization),230–231, 269
- Anti-ballistic missile issue, 444, 455–456, 487, 564–565, 578–579
- Committee of 18 proceedings, 266–267
- Comprehensive nuclear test ban, proposed, 187
- Fissionable material production, reductions in, 66–67, 68, 71, 85
- Geneva negotiations, 87–88
- Glassboro Summit discussions re, 521–522, 529–531, 534–535, 539–540, 544–545, 552–553, 645–646
- Khrushchev’s downfall and, 120
- Middle East arms limitation proposal, 550–552, 628
- Military budget reductions, 12, 23, 178, 186, 195, 197, 210, 224, 307, 312, 335, 539–540
- Mutual trust issue, 746–748
- Non-aggression treaty, proposed, 177
- Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 12, 198–199, 416, 422–423, 432–433, 435–436, 444, 455–456, 487, 502–503, 552–553, 580, 611, 627, 654, 677, 692–693, 763–764, 765–766
- Nuclear-free zones, 13
- Obsolete weapons, destruction of, 12
- Prospects for 1968, 620
- Soviet policy, 29, 224, 589
- Step-by-step approach, 174–175
- Strategic arms control (see also Formulae for conference communiqué under Abortive summit), 450, 611–612, 627–628, 638, 647, 654, 658, 664–665, 673–674, 675, 676, 682, 690–692, 693–694, 696–697, 729–730, 752, 756, 761–762
- Troop reductions in Europe, 86–87, 166, 196–197
- U.S. commitment to, 669
- Vietnam War and, 310, 311, 314, 315, 545
- Asian borders and frontiers issue, 601–602
- Aubrey, Col., 116n , 117
- Bakayev, Viktor G., 35, 38
- Ball, George, 16–17, 124, 163n , 178n , 185, 240n , 244n , 318n , 324, 334, 347, 352, 369n , 396, 399n , 402, 411
- Bannerman, R. L., 83–84
- Barghoorn, Frederick, 7
- Barr, Joseph W., 322–325
- Barry, Robert L., 394n
- Bator, Francis M., 333n , 341n , 343, 357, 369n , 396–397, 398n , 406–408, 421n , 427, 484–485, 567, 572
- Batsanov, Boris, 528, 543
- Battle, Lucius D. 627n
- Beigel, E. J., 657
- Ben Bella, Ahmed, 227
- Bendall, David V., 443
- Benediktov, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 463, 469, 470
- Benton, Bill, 126
- Berlin. See Germany and Berlin.
- Beschloss, Michael, 1
- Biryuzov, Marshal Sergi Semenovich, 149
- Blagonravov, A. A., 296n
- Boggs, Hale, 352n , 397
- Bohlen, Charles E., 674, 717n , 738–739, 760
- Bolivia, 559
- Bolshoi Ballet, 374–375, 380
- Boster, D. E., 389
- Bowie, Robert R., 607n
- Bowles, Chester A., 76, 285, 367, 401, 463, 464, 467–473
- Brandt, Willy 225
- Brazil, 171, 764
- Brement, 306
Brezhnev, Leonid I. (see also
Soviet leadership), 46,
61, 62, 132, 146, 164, 174, 182, 240n
, 273, 393,
411, 419, 429n
, 479, 587
- Elevation following Khrushchev’s downfall, 125–126, 136
- Khrushchev’s downfall, 119, 123, 142, 145, 158, 159
- Political vulnerability, 142–143
- Power and influence, 161, 275–276, 277, 328, 360, 390, 440, 599–600
- Sino-Soviet relations, 140–141
- Soviet foreign policy, 349–351
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 326n , 334–335, 351, 420–421
- Vietnam war, 271, 281, 351
- Brown, Harold, 673
- Bruce, David K. E., 427, 629
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 494–495, 603–604
- Buchanan, T. R., 679n , 716n
- Bulganin, Nikolay, 60
Bundy, McGeorge, 7n
, 55–56, 57, 64, 69n
, 83n
, 95–96, 144n
, 156n
, 165n
, 170n
, 206, 210n
, 229n
, 244n
, 270n
, 289n
, 299n
, 305n
, 306n
, 332n
, 343, 364n
, 369–370,
, 508n
, 528, 543,
, 553
- Arms control, 645–646
- Dobrynin’s meetings with, 8–10, 97–98, 106–108, 205–206, 356–357, 370n , 643–646
- Espionage, 108, 110n , 181n
- Germany and Berlin, 58
- Glassboro Summit, 645
- Jews in Soviet Union, 331
- Khrushchev’s downfall, 124, 131, 136
- Middle East conflict:
- NATO multilateral force issue, 97–98, 107
- Presidential election of 1964, 97, 106–107
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 1
- Space exploration, 33–34
- Trade relations, 17n
- United Kingdom, 125
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 333
- Vietnam war, 356
- Vietnam War peace talks, 645
- Bundy, William, 736
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 736
- Bunn, George, 638
- Burgess, Edward W., 786n
- Cabouat, Jean-Pierre, 657
- Cambodia, 97, 254, 355, 486
- Canada, 322, 404, 438
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 83n
- Castro, Fidel, 27–28, 174, 179–180, 200, 226, 282, 303, 553–554
- Celeste, Richard F., 470, 471
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also National Intelligence Estimates; Special National Intelligence Estimates), 206, 331n , 337n
- Chalyy, Vladimer, 576n
- Chernyakov, Yuri N., 371, 372, 493, 639
- Cherokee telegraphic channel, 769n
- Chile, 764
- China, People’s Republic of (see also Sino-Soviet relations), 207, 304, 393–394, 419, 423, 438, 579
- Chou En-lai 102, 182, 279
- Christian, George, 508n , 528, 543, 544n , 767
- Civil Air Agreement, 19, 67–68, 171, 371, 388–389, 418, 423
- Clark, Ramsey, 448–450, 462, 596–598
- Cleveland, Harlan, 184, 786n
- Cleveland Park Citizens Association, 592–593
- Clifford, Clark M., 666–675, 764–765, 767, 782
- Cline, Ray S., 46, 124–125, 208
- Clurman, Richard, 2
- Clymer, 236
- Colbert, James, 715
- Colombia, 226
- Communications satellite systems, 678
- Communist international conference (1964), 133–134, 141, 145, 147, 148–149, 150–151, 279
- Communist Youth magazine, 575
- Congo, 31, 104, 154, 155, 207, 222, 304, 622
- Congress, U.S., 191, 332, 415
- Connor, John T., 325
- Consular Convention, 19n , 56, 302, 342, 371, 388–389, 423, 447
- Continental Company, 14, 15
- Cook, C. W., 2, 3
- Cook, Paul, 630n
- Coplon, Judith, 449
- Couve de Murville Maurice, 552
- Cuba, 13, 16–17, 171, 177, 282, 405, 584, 621
- Glassboro Summit discussion re, 553–554, 559
- Interference in other countries, 179–180, 486–487, 553–554
- Khrushchev’s downfall and, 151
- Soviet military personnel in, 180
- Soviet policy re, 27–28, 41
- Soviet-U.S. Civil Air Agreement and, 40n , 53–54
- Surface to air missiles in, 174, 226
- U.S. provocations, 88–89, 200
- Cuban missile crisis, 11, 21–22, 62, 63–64, 129, 541, 560
- Cultural exchanges. See Exchange program.
- Cyprus, 31, 282–283
- Czechoslovakia, 121, 150, 659
- Invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 686, 701,
- Abortive summit and, 666–668, 669, 686, 719, 722–723, 738, 757–758
- International position of Soviet Union, impact on, 717–718
- Soviet rationale for, 677, 687–688
- Soviet relations with West and, 756–757, 786–787
- Soviet-U.S. relations and, 686–687, 688–689, 718–719
- Trade relations and, 715
- Withdrawal of troops, 742, 752
- Invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 686, 701,
- Daniel, Yuri, 376–378, 490
- Davis, Nathaniel, 408n , 567–568, 572–573, 578n , 717n
- Davis, Richard H., 94n , 114n , 136n , 170–171, 180n , 184, 256n
- Dawson, Thomas, 445
- Dean, SirPatrick, 427, 443–444
- Defectors from Soviet Union, 383, 614–615
- De Gaulle, Charles, 10, 26, 282, 354, 391, 393, 439, 535
- Dej, Gheorghi, 162
- Demichev, 276, 376
- Democratic National Convention (1968), 670–671
- Denney, George C., Jr., 111n
- Desalinization program, 85–86, 172
- Dirksen, Everett M., 397, 398, 449, 457, 692, 701
- Disarmament. See Arms control.
Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 11, 35, 49n
, 71n
, 85n
, 147, 165n
, 185, 193,
204, 210n
, 229n
, 290, 424,
426, 502, 510, 513, 528, 543, 595
- Abortive summit (1968), 681, 693, 780n
- Arms control, 67, 87n , 177–178, 187
- Bundy’s meetings with, 8–10, 97–98, 106–108, 205–206, 356–357, 370n , 643–646
- Cambodia, 97
- China, People’s Republic of, 393–394
- Nuclear weapons program, 96, 101, 107
- Civil Air Agreement, 67–68, 388–389, 494, 581
- Communications satellite systems, 678
- Congressional contacts, 574–575
- Consular Convention, 326, 327, 345–346, 388–389, 455
- Cuba, 179–180
- Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 686, 719
- Eastern Europe, U.S. relations with, 209
- Espionage, 109, 596, 598n
- Exchange program, 454–455, 576
- Germany and Berlin, 42, 66, 752–753
- Glassboro Summit, 492, 574
- Glassboro Summit discussion about, 515–516, 528
- Harriman’s meetings with, 176–178, 359–360, 461–462
- Humphrey’s meetings with, 257–262
- Informal line of communication with White House, request for, 369–371
- Johnson’s meetings with, 64–68, 104–105, 127–130, 640–642
- Kennedy’s meetings with, 95–96
- Khrushchev’s downfall, 177
- Kohler’s meetings with, 325–326, 344–346, 387–389, 418n , 464–466, 476–477, 576–577, 592–593, 606
- Middle East conflict, 753–754
- NATO multilateral force issue, 97–98, 107
- Presidential election of 1964, 97, 102–103, 104–105, 106–107
- Presidential election of 1968, 656–657
- Rostow’s meetings with, 454–456, 638, 694–702, 711–714, 739–744, 751–755
- Rusk’s meetings with, 178–180, 262–269, 294–297, 301–305, 381–383, 447–448, 573–575, 638, 655–657, 676–678, 687–689, 718–719, 760, 769–774
- Sino-Soviet relations, 102, 107–108, 179, 258
- Soviet leadership, 177, 576
- Dobrynin’s relations with, 392–393
- Soviet-U.S. relations:
- Alliluyeva defection case, 464–465, 476–477, 574
- Chancery site exchange, 382, 394n , 503, 592–593
- Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 718–719
- Defectors from Soviet Union, 383
- East-West institute proposal, 447, 643–644
- Fisheries problem, 71n , 430, 461–462, 474–475
- Flexibility in Soviet posture, 359–360
- Law violations by Americans in Soviet Union, 465–466
- Leadership visits, proposals for, 8–10, 205–206, 214–215, 228
- “Pen pal” correspondence between leaders, 432
- Penkovsky Papers publication, 340–341, 346–347
- Personal attacks and recriminations, 294–296, 344–345, 382, 388
- Soviet Fiftieth Anniversary and, 575
- Special communications issue, 328, 356–357
- Television speeches, proposed exchange of, 65, 68
- Transition period following Presidential election of 1968, 749–751
- Vietnam war and, 243n , 257–262, 302–303, 345, 576–577
- Space exploration, 296–297, 357, 693
- Thompson’s meetings with, 101–103, 214–215, 243, 327, 328, 330, 340–341, 346–347, 392–394, 429n , 432, 492–494, 690–691, 692–694, 749–751
- Trade relations:
- UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 103, 177, 178–179
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 243, 557
- Vietnam war, 96, 233, 294–295, 296,
- Bombing pause/cessation, 305, 356, 359, 493, 573–574, 640–642, 698, 712–713, 740–744, 745
- Elections in RVN, possible outcome of, 699–700
- Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi, 258–259
- Mentality of DRV leadership, 698–699
- Peace initiatives, 260, 480n , 676, 739–740
- Sino-Soviet relations and, 258
- Soviet pilots, possible involvement of, 699
- Soviet-U.S. direct confrontation, potential for, 479
- Soviet-U.S. relations and, 243n , 257–262, 302–303, 345, 576–577
- Viet Cong’s role, 304–305
- RVN–NLF talks, 645, 751–752
- Voice of America, Soviet jamming of, 717n
- Dominican Republic, 303–304, 405, 559
- Dorr, Russell, 98
- Douglas, Paul, 396
- Dryden, Hugh L., 296n
- Dubcek, Alexander, 688, 736
- Dulles, John Foster, 91
- Dymshits, Veniamin E., 123
- Eagleburger, Lawrence S., 334
- Eastern Europe (see also Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces), 209, 220, 282
- East-West institute proposal, 447, 643–644
- Eban, Abba, 543, 549
- Economic Gazette, 277
- Edgar, William H., 333n
- Efremov (Soviet), 79, 80
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 63, 65, 443, 558–564
- Ellington, Duke, 82
- Ellsworth, Robert, 788n
- Emelyanov V. S., 157–160
- England. See United Kingdom.
- Erhard, Ludwig, 129, 225, 354
- Eshkol, Levi, 763
- Espionage:
- Exchange program, 211, 372, 454–455, 576, 728–729
- Bolshoi Ballet tour, 374–375, 380
- Cancellations of tours and events, 317, 321–322, 325–326, 342, 345, 346, 399–401, 406–408, 409, 453, 567–568
- Delays in implementations, 316–317
- Embassy attacks and, 255, 256
- Law violations by Americans in Soviet Union, 445–446
- Magazine distribution, 81, 373–374, 380
- Middle East conflict and, 567–568
- Political, economic, and military leaders, 190–193
- Renewals of Exchanges Agreement, 19–20, 378–382, 640, 647–648, 650–653, 659–660
- Resumption of exchanges following Czechoslovakia invasion, 786–787
- Soviet “freeze” on exchanges, 336
- U.S. programs and policies, 77–82
- Farley, Philip J., 607n , 613n
- Fawsi, 523, 549, 554
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 414
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 395, 398–399, 451
- Federenko, Nicolai T., 173, 184, 187, 374, 375, 393, 400n , 502
- Fehmer Marie, 528n
- Feldman Myer, 14, 15, 16
- Finney John, 47
- Firsov, Yuriy, 528, 543
- Fisher, Butch, 673, 675
- Fisheries problem, 71n , 423, 430–431, 461–462, 474–475, 727
- Ford, Gerald R., 397
- Ford Foundation, 357
- Foster, William C., 187, 205, 309, 433, 674, 675
- France, 26, 417, 438, 439, 552–553, 657–659, 757
- Freeman, Orville L., 14, 15–16
- Fulbright J. William, 94, 170, 184, 185, 202–204, 302, 318n , 397–399, 415, 424n , 449, 765–766
- Funkhouser, Richard E., 35
- Furtseva, Madame, 567
- Gandhi, Indira, 240n , 463, 469
- Garnett, Norris D., 288
- Garthoff, Ray, 419
- Germany and Berlin, 282, 409, 419, 423, 626, 658–659
- Documents of military personnel, procedure for checking, 49, 58, 69
- Four-power talks, proposed, 187–188
- FRG access to nuclear weapons. See Multilateral force issue under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- FRG provocations, 752–753, 756
- Khrushchev’s approach to, 62–63
- Khrushchev’s downfall and, 146, 149, 151
- Liberalization in GDR, 25
- Oder-Neisse line, 354–355
- Peace treaty issue, 89–94, 198, 199–200
- Prospects for 1968, 622
- Reunification issue, 91, 188–189, 208, 311
- Revised Soviet thinking, potential for, 225–226
- Soviet policy, 29–30
- Soviet shootings of U.S. aircraft, 17, 41–42, 65–66, 69
- U.S. violations of GDR airspace, 49–52, 55, 58, 65–66, 69–71
- Ghana, 438, 584, 622
- Giles, Robert, 14–15
- Gilmour, Craddock M., Jr., 445
- Glassboro Summit (see also Glassboro
Summit discussions under specific subjects), 513, 574
- Arrangements for, 495–497, 510–512, 645
- Debate among U.S. officials re desirability of, 496–502
- Johnson’s conversation with Eisenhower about, 558–564
- Johnson’s invitation to Kosygin, 492
- Johnson’s meetings with Kosygin (June 23), 514–536
- Johnson’s meetings with Kosygin (June 25), 538–556
- Johnson’s preparations for discussions, 500–502, 506–509
- Joint statement on, 553
- Kosygin’s mood and perspective, 494–495
- Oral message from Johnson to Kosygin, 536–537, 554
- Summary of proceedings, 512–513
- Gleason, Thomas, 324, 397, 484
- Goldberg Arthur J., 369–371, 374, 375, 400n , 401–402, 423, 424, 443, 502, 505, 509, 573, 605n
- Goldman, Nahum, 697
- Goldwater, Barry, 41, 102–103, 129, 130, 169, 196
- Golf course construction in Soviet Union, 203–204
- Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 162
- Goodman, Martin I., 35
- Gordon, Abraham Lincoln, 414
- Goulart Joao Belchior Marques, 171
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Grechko, Marshal Andrei Antonovich, 599, 600
- Grinstein, Gerald B., 430, 431
Gromyko, Andrei A., 4, 159, 176, 182, 360–361, 368, 388, 434, 493, 510, 528, 543, 553, 573
- Abortive summit (1968), 774–778
- Arms control, 187
- Asian borders and frontiers issue, 601–602
- China, People’s Republic of, 175, 579
- Civil Air Agreement, 415n , 504
- Congressional leadership’s meetings with, 352–356
- Consular Convention, 19n , 32, 503
- Cuba, 200
- Exchange program, 321–322, 400, 576
- Germany and Berlin:
- Glassboro Summit, 513
- Johnson’s meetings with, 193–200, 421–426, 428–429
- Johnson’s State of the Union address (1965), 212–213
- Kennan’s meetings with, 297–299
- Kohler’s meetings with, 31–33, 172–176, 212–213, 253–254, 321–322, 362–363, 399–401, 415–418
- Laos, 505–506
- Middle East conflict, 491, 579–580
- NATO multilateral force issue, 198, 353
- Pueblo incident, 629
- Rusk’s meetings with, 184–189, 194n , 204, 262n , 418–419, 502–506, 557, 578–581, 601n , 724–732, 737–738
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 172, 213, 362, 432, 629
- Space exploration, 186, 503
- Thompson’s meetings with, 774–776
- Trade relations, 32, 184–185
- UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 172–174
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 253, 333, 557
- Vietnam war, 204, 280, 579, 730
- Vietnam war peace talks, 297–298, 416, 730
- Gronouski, John A., 393
- Guatemala, 226
- Gubitchev, Valentin, 449n
- Guthrie, John C., 325, 336, 387n , 437, 438–441, 445–446, 570
- Gvishiani, 291–292, 643
- Haiti, 226, 559
- Halaby, Najeeb, 40
- Hall, Paul, 324
- Harper, 2, 3, 4
- Harriman, W. Averell, 7n , 14, 53n , 170n , 177, 244n , 311, 421n , 480, 543, 544n , 640, 643n , 734n
- Haynes, Eldridge, 203
- Helms, Richard M., 456–457, 605n , 613n , 614n , 661, 768
- Henry, David H., 18n , 35, 114n , 170n , 190n , 209n , 256n
- Hickenlooper, Bourke, 396–397, 415, 766
- Ho Chi Minh, 270
- Hodges, Luther H., 14, 15, 17
- Honduras, 226
- Hoover, J.Edgar, 342, 398, 399n , 447, 448–450, 451–452, 614n
- Hornig, Donald, 172n , 186, 196, 211
- Hruska, Roman L., 692, 701
- Huey, George, 468, 473
- Hughes, Richard J., 512
- Hughes, Thomas L., 163n , 314n , 334–336, 748n
- Huizenga, John W., 244n , 384n , 661–665
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 34n , 257–262, 367, 368, 443, 656
- Hungary, 48, 150, 368
- Hurok, Sol, 374, 375, 567, 568
- Ignatius, Paul, 637
- Ilichev, Leonid F., 47, 79, 278
- India, 282, 384, 391, 418, 419, 548, 584, 764
- Alliluyeva defection case, 462–465, 467–473
- Indonesia, 219, 282, 394, 438, 584, 622
- Inouye, Daniel, 352n
- International Control Commission (ICC), 268, 296
- Intertex International, Inc., 715
- Iran, 351, 391, 584
- Israel (see also Middle East conflict), 764
- Italy, 23, 26, 438, 763
- Ivanov spy case, 180–181, 466n , 594–595, 596–598, 728, 760
- Jamaica, 4
- Japan, 219, 389, 391, 764
- Jarring, Gunnar, 628, 697, 710, 753, 763
- Javits, Jacob, 55
- Jenkins, Kempton B., 7n , 170n , 190n , 209n , 287n
- Jessup, Peter, 358
- Jha, C. S., 464
- Johnson, Griffith, 14
Johnson, Lyndon B. (see also
Glassboro Summit), 57,
, 289n
, 305n
, 306n
, 316n
, 331n
, 332n
, 364n
, 367, 403,
, 413n
, 418, 464n
, 467n
, 482n
, 494n
, 510n
, 573n
, 578n
, 601n
, 615n
, 629, 643n
, 661n
, 676n
, 687, 690,
694, 696, 701, 718n
, 734n
, 751, 754
- Abortive summit (1968), 649, 675n , 681, 683, 692, 757, 780, 782
- Arms control 487
- Fissionable material production, reductions in, 66–67, 68
- Glassboro Summit discussions re, 521–522, 534–535, 539–540, 544–545, 552–553, 560, 564–566
- Military budget reductions, 195, 197, 210, 539–540
- Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 198–199, 416, 436, 487, 552–553, 627, 654, 765, 766
- Strategic arms control, 450, 627–628, 647, 654, 673–674, 682, 691, 761–762
- Civil Air Agreement, 40–41, 53–54, 56, 68, 415n
- Consular Convention, 56, 679
- Cuba, 41, 200
- Cuban missile crisis, 129, 541, 560
- Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 686
- Dobrynin’s meetings with, 64–68, 104–105, 127–130, 640–642
- Dobrynin’s request for informal line of communication with White House, 370
- Espionage, 181n , 448–450, 596
- Exchange program, 211, 374
- Germany and Berlin, 199
- Gromyko’s meetings with, 193–200, 421–426, 428–429
- Khrushchev’s communications with, 49–52, 69–71, 85–94, 100, 104–105
- Khrushchev’s downfall, 124, 125–126
- Kosygin’s communications with, 153n , 369, 437n , 450, 485–487, 491, 595, 627–628, 629, 641n , 647, 654, 675n , 682, 743
- Kosygin’s meetings with. See Glassboro Summit.
- Middle East conflict, 486, 595
- Nixon, letter to, 761–762
- Nixon’s meetings with, 749n , 781
- Peace, commitment to, 127–130
- Presidential election of 1964, 104–105, 156n
- Soviet leadership’s communications with, 165–168, 210–212, 229–232, 426, 428
- Soviet military, 201–202, 569
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 39–40, 342, 403, 420, 427, 432, 463n , 555, 629
- Space exploration, 33, 47, 400n
- State of the Union address (1965), 209, 212–213
- Trade relations, 211, 312 [Page 802]
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow, attacks on, 243, 253n
- Vietnam war, 130, 342–343, 486, 534
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 77n , 412–413
- Johnson, W. Thomas, 666, 763, 767
- Johnston, Eric, 562
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 414, 415n , 457, 613n , 674, 765, 675
- Joint Reconnaissance Center, 42
- Jones, Ralph, 18n , 190n
- Jordan, 622
- Judd, Thomas M., 443
- Kadar, Janos, 162
- Kahn, Joseph, 35
- Kalugin, 371, 372
- Karamessines, Thomas H., 605n
- Karpov, Viktor P., 389
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 394, 457n , 496, 508n , 614n , 643n , 736, 748n
- Kaul, T. N., 469
- Keldysh, Mstislav Vsevelodovich, 297
- Kennan, George F., 297–299, 480, 568
- Kennedy, John F., 19n , 670
- Kennedy, Robert F., 95–96, 370
- KGB, 318, 377, 452, 624–625
Khrushchev, Nikita S. (see also
Khrushchev’s downfall),
45, 89, 113, 331, 392, 405, 586, 670
- Arms control, 29
- Cuba, 41, 88–89
- Cuban missile crisis, 62, 63–64
- Exchange program, 78, 79
- Germany and Berlin, 49, 69
- Johnson’s communications with, 49–52, 69–71, 85–94, 100, 104–105
- Leadership style, CIA report on, 59–64
- Sino-Soviet relations, 41, 179
- Soviet economic situation, 48, 139, 148
- Soviet foreign policy, 20–31, 61–64
- Soviet leadership’s treatment of, 274
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 1, 2–4, 63, 85–86
- Third World, 222
- Vietnam war, 177, 182, 244–245
Khrushchev’s downfall, 161–162, 216–217
- Emelyanov’s account of, 157–160
- Intelligence reports on, 119–121, 137–141, 148–152, 338
- Johnson-Dobrynin discussion re, 127–130
- Klein’s analysis of, 131–132
- Kohler’s analysis of, 122–123, 132–135, 141–144
- NSC meeting re, 124–126
- Soviet-U.S. relations and, 136–137
- Thompson’s briefing for Congressional leadership, 144–148
- Kirichenko, Aleksei Illarionovich, 61, 142
- Kirilenko, Andrei Pavlovich, 143, 161, 276, 350
- Kirk, Roger, 470, 471, 473
- Kirsanov, Stefan M., 288n
- Kissinger, Henry A., 790–791
- Klein, David, 18n , 206–208, 299n , 630n
- Klosson, Boris H., 374n , 380n , 647n , 650
- Koch, Harold, 443
Kohler, Foy D., 41, 55, 113, 193, 306, 308, 309n
, 411n
, 413n
, 447, 450,
570, 607n
, 614n
, 643n
[Page 803]
- Arms control, 71, 187
- China’s nuclear weapons program, 417–418
- Civil Air Agreement, 40–41, 56, 389, 414, 415n
- Communist international conference (1964), 133–134
- Consular Convention, 19n , 32, 56, 342, 389, 449
- Dobrynin’s meetings with, 325–326, 344–346, 387–389, 418n , 464–466, 476–477, 576–577, 592–593, 606
- Eastern Europe, Soviet military movements in, 239, 240n
- Espionage, 449
- Exchange program, 255, 375, 378n
- Gromyko’s meetings with, 31–33, 172–176, 212–213, 253–254, 321–322, 362–363, 399–401, 415–418
- Johnson’s State of the Union address (1965), 212–213
- Khrushchev’s downfall, 122–123, 132–135, 141–144
- Kosygin’s meetings with, 152–156, 434–437
- Sino-Soviet relations, 41, 402
- Soviet economic situation, 57
- Soviet foreign policy, 360–361
- Soviet leadership, 132–134, 360
- Soviet military’s anti-ballistic missile program, 444
- Soviet political system, 141–144
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 172, 213, 288,
361, 577, 637
- Alliluyeva defection case, 464–465, 476–477, 488–490
- Chancery site exchange, 32, 592–593
- Flexibility in Soviet posture, 298–299
- Freeze in relations, 316–317
- Golf course construction in Soviet Union, 203–204
- Johnson administration, Soviet attitude toward, 39–40
- Law violations by Americans in Soviet Union, 465–466
- Linkage of bilateral issues, 4–5, 7
- Personal attacks and recriminations, 342, 344–345, 362, 388
- Summit meeting proposal of 1964, 8n
- U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 443–444
- Vietnam war and, 241–242, 270–273, 317–319, 345, 362–363
- Space exploration, 186, 400
- Trade relations, 39n , 202–203, 291–292, 343
- UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 154–156, 172–174
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 71–72
- Vietnam war, 297–298, 342–343, 416,
- Bombing pause/cessation, 364–367
- Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi, 240–241, 270
- Peaceful settlement, 436–437
- Soviet change of policy, prospects for, 285–286
- Soviet countermeasures to U.S. bombing, 238–240
- Soviet exploitation of, 364–367
- Soviet propaganda campaign, 271–272, 317–318
- Soviet-U.S. relations and, 241–242, 270–273, 317–319, 345, 362–363
- U.S. propaganda campaign, 401–402
- Writers, Soviet prosecutions of, 376–378
- Komer, Robert W., 357, 384n
- Kopytin (TASS), 655
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 239, 629
- Korean war, 480
- Korionov (Pravda), 242
- Kornienko, Georgi M., 17, 321, 445, 459, 460, 594, 650, 746
Kosygin, Alexei N. (see also
Glassboro Summit; Soviet
leadership), 46, 146, 164, 174, 239, 331, 365, 366, 393, 411, 587
- Abortive summit (1968), 675n
- Arms control:
- Congressional leadership’s meetings with, 352–356
- Cuba, 553–554
- Cuban missile crisis, 541, 560
- Elevation following Khrushchev’s downfall, 125–126, 136
- Germany and Berlin, 311, 354
- Harriman’s meetings with, 306–315
- Johnson’s communications with, 153n , 369, 437n , 450, 485–487, 491, 595, 627–628, 629, 641n , 647, 654, 675n , 682, 743
- Johnson’s meetings with. See Glassboro Summit.
- Khrushchev’s downfall, 119, 158, 159
- Kohler’s meetings with, 152–156, 434–437
- Martin’s meeting with, 35–39
- McNamara’s meeting with, 746–748
- Middle East conflict, 547, 595
- NATO multilateral force issue, 307, 310–311, 353–354
- Power and influence, 276, 440, 599, 600
- Pueblo incident, 629
- Reston’s interview with, 361, 372
- Rusk’s meetings with, 76–77, 367–369, 510–512
- Sino-Soviet relations, 140–141
- Soviet economic situation, 37, 38
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 250n , 307, 358, 361, 555, 629
- Space exploration, 146, 454
- Thompson’s meetings with, 458–461
- Trade relations, 312
- UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 154–156
- Vietnam war, 281, 355, 367–369, 454
- Arms control and, 310, 311, 315, 545
- Bombing pause/cessation, 368, 531–532
- Glassboro Summit discussions re, 522–523, 527, 531–534, 535, 545
- Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi, 240–241, 246–247, 258–259, 270, 279–280
- Peace initiatives, 313, 456, 480n , 531–534, 554
- Peaceful settlement issue, 436–437
- Soviet criticism of U.S. policy, 434–435
- Soviet military commitment to DRV, 281
- Viet Cong’s role, 307–308
- Kozlov, Frol, 25, 61, 119, 122, 142, 147
- Kraft, Joseph, 693
- Krag, Jens Otto, 497
- Kraminov, D. F., 82
- Krimer, William D., 35, 513, 514, 528, 531, 538n , 543
- Krylov, Leonid Ivanovich, 336
- Kuchel, Thomas H., 397
- Kuusinen, Otto, 122
- Kuznetsov, Vassily V., 19n , 73–74, 102, 251, 292, 411n , 677, 691
- Laird, Melvin R., 397
- Lamb, Charles, 128, 518
- Landerman, Peter, 181n , 241
- Laos, 13, 31, 71–72, 100, 254, 265–266, 267–268, 296, 405, 481, 505–506
- Lapin, Sergei Vasilevich, 72
- Latin America, 226–227, 439, 623
- Lausche, Frank J., 202
- Law of the Sea Conference, proposed, 639, 726
- Leddy, John M., 341n , 352–353, 374n , 453, 489, 570, 614n , 627n , 638–640, 657, 716–717, 718
- Le Duc Tho, 676
- LeMay, Gen.Curtis, 51n
- Liberman, Y. G., 169
- Linen, James, 2, 3
- Lin Piao, 441
- Lodeesen, Jon, 630n
- Logan, Alan, 293
- Loginov, Yevgeny Federovich, 423
- Lowenthal, David, 208
- Lucet, Charles, 657–659
- Lukyanov, Pavel P., 293
- Lunkov, Nikolai M., 653n , 660n
- Lysenko, Trofim B., 158
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 10–13
- Magnuson, Warren G., 397, 415, 430–431
- Malenkov, Georgy, 60
- Mali, 282
- Malik, Yakov Aleksandrovich, 480
- Mamedov, Enver, 82
- Manac’h, Etienne, 707
- Mann, Thomas C., 40, 56, 328n
- Mansfield, Mike, 319n , 343, 352–356, 358, 381, 397, 398, 450n , 677, 749
- Mao Tse-tung, 41, 96, 102, 107–108, 122, 161–162, 441
- Marcy, Carl, 397
- Marks, Leonard, 572, 653
- Martin, Clarence D., Jr., 35–39
- Masey, Jack, 79
- Matskevich, Vladimir V., 308, 309, 314
- Mazurov, Kirill Trofimovich, 277–278, 756
- McCammon, Vicki, 399n
- McCarthy, Eugene, 657
- McCloskey, Robert J., 477
- McCloy, John J., 782–786
- McCone, John A., 47–48, 105–106
- McConnell, Gen. John P., 764
- McCormack, John W., 397
- McDonald, John W., 513
- McKisson, Robert, 614n
- McNamara, Robert S., 1, 55, 118n , 170n , 195, 196, 206, 300n , 342, 343, 413, 415n , 443, 508n , 528, 543, 544n , 575, 613n , 627n
- McPherson, Harry, 496, 555n
- Meany, George, 324, 484
- Meeker, Leonard C., 94n , 180n , 461n , 614n , 760
- Mesyatsev, Nikolai N., 213
- Middle East conflict, 486, 547, 549, 573, 587, 595, 626, 644, 753–754, 763
- Abortive summit agenda topic. See Formulae for conference communiqué under Abortive summit (1968).
- Arms limitation proposal, 550–552, 628
- Desalinization project proposal, 561–562
- Exchange program and, 567–568
- Glassboro Summit discussions re, 506–507, 516–520, 523–525, 526–527, 540–543, 545–552, 554–555
- Johnson’s analysis of, 558–559, 561–562
- Israeli withdrawal from Suez, 520, 523–525, 541–543, 546–550
- Prospects for 1968, 622
- Six-Day War, 491, 493, 516–519
- Soviet policy, 494, 591, 626, 663–665
- Soviet settlement proposal, 697–698
- Tito proposals, 579–580
- Mikolinsky, Yergeny A., 35
- Mikoyan, Anastas I., 40, 136, 142, 158, 179, 195, 275, 360, 392
- Mikoyan, Sergo A., 168–170
- Miller, J.Irwin, 292
- Mironov, Gen., 149
- Molotov, Vyacheslav, 61–62
- Mondale, Walter F., 636
- Monroney, A.S. Mike, 415
- Mora, Dennis, 443
- Morozov, Platon, 400n
- Morse, Brad, 397
- Mott, Newcomb, 362n , 387n
- Moyers, Bill D., 14, 357, 371, 408n , 411n
- Multilateral force issue. See under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Mundt, Karl E., 202, 451
- Muromcew, Cyril, 528
- Murphy, Charles S., 14
- Murphy, David E., 358
- Murphy, Robert D., 751n , 761n , 762n , 765, 767, 768
- Muskie, Edmund, 352n
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 227, 507, 509, 523–524, 541–542, 543, 550
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 33
- National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates):
- National Security Agency, 111, 395
- National Security Council (NSC), 47–48, 59, 124–126, 686
- Nehru, Braj Kumar, 240n
- Neizvestny, Ernest, 79
- Nguyen Cao Ky, 730
- Nguyen Van Thieu, 699–700, 730
- Nigeria, 623
- Nitze, Paul H., 613n , 614n , 637, 678
- Nivens, Lois, 653n
- Nixon, Richard M., 41, 130, 656–657, 677, 746, 750, 755, 758–759, 765
- Non-aggression treaty, proposed, 177
- Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 12, 198–199, 416, 422–423, 432–433, 435–436, 444, 455–456, 487, 502–503, 552–553, 580, 611, 627, 654, 677, 692–693, 763–764, 765–766
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 391
- Novikov, Semen Mikhailovich, 203
- Nuclear-free zones, 13
- Organization of American States (OAS), 53–54, 171, 179, 553–554
- Osborn, Howard, 111n
- Outer Space Treaty, 400, 418, 423, 439, 454, 503
- Owen, Henry, 604n
- Owen, Robert I., 18n , 94n , 98, 136n , 287n
- Pakistan, 351, 384, 391, 419, 548, 584, 764
- Palewski, Gaston, 122, 145
- Panama, 9
- Pan American Airlines, 414
- Panzer, Fred, 695n
- Paraguay, 226
- Patolichev, Nikolai S., 4, 35
- Paustovsky, Konstantin G., 377
- Pearson, Drew, 98, 126
- Penkovsky Papers publication, 340–341, 346–347, 358
- Petrosyants, Andronik, 158
- Petrovsky, Ivan Georgievich, 297
- Pham Van Dong, 313, 531
- Pholsema (Laos), 506
- Plotnikov, V. N., 309
- Podgorny, Nikolai V., 46, 61, 132, 143, 161, 275, 360, 365, 434, 440, 524, 587, 756–757
- Poland, 150, 365, 368
- Polansky, Sol, 353n
- Policy Planning Council, 244–249, 384–387
- Polyakov, Ivan Y., 143
- Polyansky, Dmitri Stepanovich, 46, 123, 143, 161, 434, 599–600
- Pratt, James W., 352n , 353n , 614n , 639n
- Pueblo incident, 629
- Raborn, Adm. William F., Jr., 342
- Radio Free Europe, 333
- Radio Liberty Committee, 333
- Radio Moscow, 332
- Rashidov, Sharaf Rashidovich, 120
- Rather, Mary, 563
- Read, Benjamin H., 94n , 95n , 136–137, 333–334, 413–415, 421n , 564–566, 606, 659–660, 741
- Reddy, Leo J., 786n
- Reedy, George E., 57
- Reinhardt, George F., 463
- Rescue of Astronauts agreement, 693, 760n
- Reston, James, 107, 361, 372
- Reynolds, James J., 35, 36–38
- Riad, Mahmoud, 770–771
- Rimestad, Idar, 570
- Robinson, Thomas E., 512
- Rockefeller, David, 98–100, 107
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 130
- Romania. See Rumania.
- Romanovsky, Sergei K., 321, 378n , 434, 453
- Rooney, John J., 592–593
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 90, 168
- Rostow, Eugene V., 431, 461, 474–475, 478–481, 753
Rostow, Walt W., 163n
, 244n
, 387n
, 397n
, 399n
, 403n
, 408n
, 418–419,
, 424, 426,
, 478n
, 482n
, 485n
, 494n
, 495n
, 496, 506n
, 508n
, 510n
, 513, 525n
, 528, 543,
, 567, 572,
, 601n
, 615n
, 640, 643n
, 647n
, 651n
, 653n
, 661n
, 676n
, 679n
, 687, 717n
, 718n
, 734n
, 761n
, 762n
, 781
- Abortive summit (1968), 681, 692, 782
- Arms control:
- Civil Air Agreement, 413, 415n
- Consular Convention, 455
- Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 742, 752
- Dobrynin’s meetings with, 454–456, 638, 694–702, 711–714, 739–744, 751–755
- Exchange program, 454–455
- Germany and Berlin, 752–753
- Glassboro Summit, 496, 500–502
- Ivanov spy case, 596
- Middle East conflict, 491, 697–698, 753–754
- Soviet military’s ICBM build-up, 569
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 467, 577–578
- Trade relations, 642–643
- Vietnam war, 411
- Rowan, Carl T., 77, 371–372
- Rudenko, Roman Andreevich, 45
- Rudnev, Konstantin N., 309, 314
- Rumania, 24, 220, 368, 584, 591, 621, 715
Rusk, Dean, 8n
, 10, 18, 165n
, 202n
, 233n
, 244n
, 300n
, 314n
, 341n
, 364n
, 387n
, 399n
, 419, 421n
, 424, 426,
428, 443, 461n
, 485n
, 508n
, 513, 528,
543, 544n
, 604n
, 607n
, 613n
, 643n
, 661n
, 696n
, 734n
, 751n
- Abortive summit (1968), 683, 738, 778–780
- Arms control, 187, 269, 669
- Asian borders and frontiers issue, 601–602
- Cherokee telegraphic channel, 769n
- China, People’s Republic of, 304, 579
- Civil Air Agreement, 40n , 53–54, 170, 413, 415
- Communications satellite systems, 678
- Congo, 304
- Consular Convention, 449
- Cuba, 179–180, 200
- Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces:
- Dobrynin’s Congressional contacts, 574–575
- Dobrynin’s meetings with, 178–180, 262–269, 294–297, 301–305, 381–383, 447–448, 573–575, 638, 655–657, 676–678, 687–689, 718–719, 760, 769–774
- Dominican Republic, 303–304
- Eastern Europe, U.S. relations with, 209
- Espionage, 449
- Exchange program, 256, 380
- Germany and Berlin, 42, 50, 187–189, 658–659
- Glassboro Summit, 495–497, 510–512, 574
- Gromyko’s meetings with, 184–189, 194n , 204, 262n , 418–419, 502–506, 557, 578–581, 601n , 724–732, 737–738
- Khrushchev’s downfall, 119, 124–125
- Kosygin’s meetings with, 76–77, 367–369, 510–512
- Laos, 267–268, 296, 505–506
- Middle East conflict, 491, 523, 628, 763
- NATO multilateral force issue, 303
- Presidential election of 1968, 656–657
- Sino-Soviet relations, 48, 179
- Soviet economic situation, 48
- Soviet Embassy in Washington, explosion at, 638–639
- Soviet leadership, divisions within, 163
- Soviet military’s development of new weapons, 105–106
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 1, 7, 304, 403, 432,
447, 575
- Alliluyeva defection case, 462–463, 574
- Chancery site exchange, 187, 382, 394–395, 503
- Czechoslovakia invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 718–719
- Defectors from Soviet Union, 383, 614–615
- Leadership visits, proposals for, 10n , 205–206, 209
- Personal attacks and recriminations, 294–296, 382, 677
- U.S.-French discussion re, 657–659
- U.S. industrialists’ trip to Soviet Union, 2–4
- Vietnam war and, 302–303
- Space exploration, 47, 503
- Trade relations:
- United Kingdom, 125
- UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 178–179, 303
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 557
- Vietnam war, 294–295, 296, 367–369, 579, 730
- Voice of America, Soviet jamming of, 716, 717n
- Russell, Richard B., 456, 765–766
- St. Denis, John, 468
- Salisbury, Harrison, 572
- Saturday Evening Post, 293
- Saunders, Harold, 331–333
- Scheuer, Robert, 715
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 41, 572
- Schorr, Dan, 572
- Sedov, Boris, 790
- Segal, Alfred, 35
- Selden, Armistead I., Jr., 397
- Semenov, Vladimir Semonovich, 184, 193, 204, 494
- Severeid, Eric, 343
- Shelepin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 276, 277, 317, 360, 365, 366, 368, 440, 588, 600
- Shelest, Petr Yefimovich, 120
- Ships at sea, incidents involving, 412–413, 629, 637, 639, 678–679, 725–726
- Shvernik, Nikolai Mikhailovich, 392
- Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 355, 486
- Singh, Brajesh, 463, 468
- Singh, Dinesh, 463, 468, 469
- Sino-Soviet relations, 41, 48, 102, 106, 169, 171, 182, 207, 279, 402, 441
- Dobrynin’s analysis of, 107–108
- Khrushchev’s downfall and, 121, 131–132, 140–141, 159, 161–162
- Long-term problem for Soviets, 23–24
- Military conflict, potential for, 219, 350, 590
- Nuclear materials supplied by Soviets, 179
- Prospects for 1968, 621
- Soviet-U.S. relations and, 384–385
- Vietnam war and, 247–248, 258, 338–339, 420, 583–584
- Sinyavsky, Andrei, 376–378, 490
- Six-Day War, 491, 493, 516–519
- Sloss, Leon, 613n
- Smirnovsky, Mikhail N., 109n , 115n , 116, 172, 184, 193, 238n , 293, 297, 306, 309
- Smith, Bromley, 14, 18n , 48, 333n , 627n , 690, 717n
- Smith, C. R., 643n
- Smyth, Henry De Wolf, 157–160
- Sobolev, Arkady A., 186
- Soldatov, Aleksandr Andreevich, 388, 389
- Southeast Asia (see also specific countries), 89, 230
- Souvanna Phouma, 268
- Soviet Communist Party Congresses:
- Soviet economic situation, 23, 37–38, 57, 169
- Soviet Embassy in Washington (see also Chancery site exchange under Soviet-U.S. relations):
- Soviet foreign policy (see also
Sino-Soviet relations; specific
countries and regions), 360–361, 625
- Communist solidarity as new focus of, 289–291, 349, 350
- Disagreements within leadership, 587–588
- Domestic concerns taking precedence over, 350, 439
- Domestic economic situation and, 23, 218–219, 586
- Domestic political situation and, 217–218, 585–586
- Ideology problem, 404–406, 439, 626
- Intelligence reports on, 20–31, 61–64, 215–227, 278–285, 289–290, 349–351, 390–392, 408–410, 581–592, 619
- Khrushchev’s downfall and, 120, 150–152, 216–217, 338, 583–585
- Military dimension, 569, 586–587, 588–589
- Multilateral orientation, 279
- Prospects for 1968, 619
- Realistic approach, 391–392
- Thompson’s analysis of, 403–406
- U.S. Embassy reports on, 438–441, 632–636
- West, improved relations with, 25–26, 182–184, 351, 438, 440, 590
- Soviet Jews, treatment of, 55, 331–333
- Soviet leadership (see also
Brezhnev, Leonid I.
Kosygin, Alexei N.
), 146, 161,
176, 230, 274, 458, 576
- Arms control, 166, 230–231
- Communist international conference (1964), 133–134
- Conformity within, 156n , 162
- Conservative orientation, 146–147, 440–441, 616
- Divisions within, 163–164, 587–588
- Dobrynin’s relations with, 392–393
- Foreign policy consequences of collective system, 217–218
- Foreign policy record (1964–1967), 583–585
- Instability of collective leadership, 143–144, 149, 160–161, 457–458
- Intelligence reports on, 273–278, 337–339, 347–351, 615–618
- Johnson’s communications with, 165–168, 210–212, 229–232, 426, 428
- NATO multilateral force issue, 229–230
- Nixon’s communications with, 788–791
- Personnel appointments, 277–278
- Relations within, 177, 274–277, 283–284, 328, 360, 440, 598–600
- Soviet-U.S. leadership visits, proposals for, 231–232, 234–235
- Succession period following Khrushchev’s downfall, 120–121, 125–126, 131–134, 136, 137, 140
- UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 167, 231
- U.S. Embassy report on, 630–632
- Vietnam war, 233–235
- Soviet Life magazine, 373–374, 380
- Soviet military, 161, 444
- Soviet political situation (see also Khrushchev’s downfall; Soviet leadership), 45–46
- Soviet-U.S. relations (see also
Abortive summit (1968); Arms control; Civil Air
Agreement; Consular Convention; Espionage; Exchange
program; Germany and Berlin; Glassboro Summit; Space
exploration; Trade relations; U.S. Embassy in Moscow), 207–208, 361, 403, 420–421, 665, 677
- Alliluyeva book publication, 568–569, 572–573
- Alliluyeva defection case, 462–465, 467–473, 476–477, 488–490, 574
- Annual meetings of leaders, proposal for, 555
- Brzezinski’s analysis of, 604n
- Chancery site exchange, 32, 187, 382, 394–395, 503, 570–572, 592–593, 639, 725, 760
- Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 718–719
- Defectors from Soviet Union (see also Alliluyeva defection case above), 383, 614–615
- Desalinization program, 85–86, 172
- Détente, 248–249, 384–387
- East-West institute proposal, 447, 643–644
- Fisheries problem, 71n , 423, 430–431, 461–462, 474–475, 727
- Flexibility in Soviet posture, 298–299, 334–336, 359–360
- Freeze in relations, 316–317, 339, 439–440
- Golf course construction in Soviet Union, 203–204
- Johnson administration, Soviet attitude toward, 39–40
- Khrushchev’s downfall and, 136–137
- Law violations by Americans in Soviet Union, 445–446, 465–466
- Leadership visits, proposals for, 8–10, 205–206, 209, 211–212, 214–215, 227–228, 231–232, 234–235
- Linkage of bilateral issues, 4–5, 7
- Navigational equipment for Soviets, proposal re, 726
- Penkovsky Papers publication, 340–341, 346–347, 358
- “Pen pal” correspondence between leaders, 249–250, 432
- Personal attacks and recriminations, 294–296, 314–315, 326n , 342, 344–345, 351, 362, 382, 388
- Persona non grata actions, 288
- Port restrictions on Soviet ships, 396–397, 459–460, 484–485, 577–578, 726–727
- Prospects for 1964, 194–196
- Prospects for 1968, 619–620
- Revanchism charge against U.S., 307
- Ships at sea, incidents involving, 412–413, 629, 637, 639, 678–679, 725–726
- Sino-Soviet relations and, 384–385
- Social Security payments to persons in Soviet Union, 728
- Soviet Fiftieth Anniversary and, 568–569, 575, 598–600
- Soviet reversal of course in 1965, 289–290
- Special communications issue, 300, 328, 329, 356–357
- Television speeches, proposed exchange of, 65, 67, 68, 213
- Territorial disputes, proposal for peaceful settlement of, 1–2
- Transition period following Presidential election of 1968, 749–751
- U.S.-French discussion re, 657–659
- U.S. industrialists’ trip to Soviet Union, 2–4
- U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 427, 443–444
- U–2 incident, 63
- Vietnam war and, 241–242, 243n , 248–249, 257–262, 263–264, 270–273, 302–303, 317–319, 339, 345, 351, 362–363, 390, 409–410, 576–577
- “Visa war” re media correspondents, 372
- Soviet writers, prosecutions of, 376–378
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 10
- Space exploration, 146
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Springer, William, 397
- Springsteen, George S., 786n
- Sputnik magazine, 447
- Stalin, Josef, 462
- Stalin, Svetlana Iosifovna. See Alliluyeva, Svetlana .
- Staples, Eugene, 78–79, 81, 82
- Stassen, Harold, 761
- Stennis, John, 765
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 103, 173, 184, 204, 290–291, 343
- Stewart, Michael, 352, 361
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 45, 297, 333n , 353n , 394n , 427, 474, 502, 581, 639
- Strategic arms control (see also Formulae for conference communiqué under Abortive summit), 450, 611–612, 627–628, 638, 647, 654, 658, 664–665, 673–674, 675, 676, 682, 690–692, 693–694, 696–697, 729–730, 752, 756, 761–762
- Sukhodrev, Victor M., 184, 193, 306, 424, 426, 502, 514, 528, 531, 543, 544, 554
- Sulzberger, Cy, 174
- Suslov, Mikhail A., 147, 158, 159, 275, 277, 290–291, 350, 587
- Svoboda, Ludvik, 689
- Swank, Emory, 647n , 746–748
- Symington, James W., 538n
- Syria, 508–509, 580
- Tarkovsky, A. A., 80
- Tarsis, Valery, 378
- Tcherniakov, Yuri N., 488–490, 567, 739, 741, 788n
- Thant, U, 343, 374, 400n , 546
- Third World, 24, 31, 282–283
Thompson, Llewellyn E., 7n
, 8n
, 49n
, 53n
, 64, 71, 85n
, 94n
, 114n
, 127, 136n
, 157, 165n
, 170n
, 178n
, 180, 184,
193, 204, 210n
, 229n
, 244n
, 262, 287n
, 302, 305,
, 374n
, 381, 399n
, 403n
, 419–420,
, 424, 426,
502, 510, 528, 543, 544n
, 605, 628n
, 630n
, 769
- Abortive summit (1968), 693, 779
- Ambassador to Soviet Union, appointment as, 425n , 450, 461
- Arms control, 531
- Asian borders and frontiers issue, 602n
- China, People’s Republic of, 393–394
- Civil Air Agreement, 40n , 68, 494, 581
- Consular Convention, 327, 449
- Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 687–688
- Dobrynin’s meetings with, 101–103, 214–215, 243, 327, 328, 330, 340–341, 346–347, 392–394, 429n , 432, 492–494, 690–691, 692–694, 749–751
- Eastern Europe, U.S. relations with, 209
- Espionage, 449, 594–595
- Exchange program, 256
- Germany and Berlin, 42, 146, 208, 626
- Glassboro Summit, 492, 495–496, 508–509, 515–516, 528
- Gromyko’s meetings with, 774–776
- Khrushchev’s downfall, 124, 144–148
- Kosygin’s meetings with, 458–461
- Middle East conflict, 493
- Mikoyan’s meetings with, 168–170
- Presidential election of 1964, 102–103
- Pueblo incident, 629
- Sino-Soviet relations, 102, 420
- Soviet economic reform programs, 625
- Soviet foreign policy, 403–406, 625, 626
- Soviet leadership, 458
- Soviet military, 145–146
- Soviet political situation, 46–47, 624–625
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 1, 68, 207–208, 295,
383, 629
- Alliluyeva book publication, 568–569, 573n
- Alliluyeva defection case, 462, 463n
- Chancery site exchange, 503, 570–572
- Fisheries problem, 71n , 430–431
- Leadership visits, proposals for, 206, 214–215, 227–228
- “Pen pal” correspondence between leaders, 249–250, 432
- Penkovsky Papers publication, 340–341, 346–347
- Port restrictions on Soviet ships, 459–460
- Special communications issue, 328, 329
- Transition period following Presidential election of 1968, 749–751
- Vietnam war and, 243n
- Space exploration, 454, 693
- Trade relations, 164, 169–170, 330
- UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 103
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 557
- Vietnam war, 243n , 420, 429, 454
- 303 Committee, 42
- Tito, Marshal, 96, 106, 162, 204, 315, 579
- Togliatti, Palmeiro, 106
- Tolubko, 365, 366
- Toon, Malcolm, 109n , 115n , 152, 212n , 251n , 293, 297, 333n , 341n , 371–372, 596, 614n , 627n , 647n , 651n , 715
- Toumanoff, V. I., 638n
- Trade relations, 59, 164, 211, 312, 423, 715
- Automotive equipment sales to Soviets, 642–643
- Commodities to be traded, 184–185
- East-West trade legislation, 202–203, 430–431, 447, 448
- Expansion of, 35–36, 38–39, 98–100
- Fisheries problem and, 430–431
- Political dimension, 169–170
- Soviet unhappiness with lack of progress, 291–292
- U.S. Embassy report on, 635–636
- U.S. Governmental interference, 76–77
- Wheat purchases by Soviets, 2–4, 14–17, 32, 322–325, 330, 343
- Tran Van Huong, 730
- Trippe, Juan, 414
- Troyanovsky, Oleg A., 152, 309, 459
- Trueheart, William, 614n
- Truman, Harry S, 90
- Tsarapkin, Semen K., 187, 205
- Tshombe, Moise, 207
- Turkey, 276, 283, 351, 391, 580, 584
- Tvardovsky, 377
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 192
- Tyler, William R., 7n , 18–20, 71, 109, 163n , 178n , 190–193, 202n , 244n
- Ulbricht, Walter, 93, 102, 149, 225, 687
- Ullman, Bernard, 236, 237
- Underdeveloped areas. See Third World.
- United Arab Republic (UAR) (see also Middle East conflict), 222, 282, 508–509
- United Kingdom, 23, 26, 125, 427, 443–444, 456, 756–757
- United Nations, 332
- United States Intelligence Board, 83–84, 457
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow (see also
Chancery site exchange
Soviet-U.S. relations), 557, 605
- Attacks on, 184n , 235–238, 243, 251–256
- Leased-line communication link with State Department, 19n , 32, 333–334
- Policy assessments re Soviet Union, 438–441, 630–636
- Press attacks on personnel, 292–294
- Soviet bugging of, 72–76, 83–84, 111–114
- State Department’s failure to provide adequate information to, 71–72
- Ustinov, Dmitri Fedorovich, 278, 365, 366
- Valdes, Philip H., 2
- Valenti, Jack, 371
- Vance, Cyrus R., 170n , 412, 413n , 496, 637
- Vedeler, Harold C., 209n
- Venezuela, 179, 226, 307, 486, 553–554, 559
- Vershinin, Marshal Konstantin Andreevich, 192
- Vickery, Raymond E., 35, 38
- Vietnam war (see also
Vietnam war peace initiatives), 96, 294–295, 296, 342–343, 367–369, 422, 435, 454, 579, 606
- Abortive summit agenda topic. See Formulae for conference communiqué under Abortive summit (1968).
- “Aggressor” charge against U.S., 264–265, 271
- Arms control and, 310, 311, 314, 315, 545
- Bombing of DRV, 233–235, 240n , 433
- Bombing pause/cessation, 281, 305, 355, 356, 359, 364–367, 368, 428–429, 493, 504–505, 531–532, 536–537, 573–574, 640–642, 698, 709–710, 712–713, 720–722, 730–731, 737, 740–744, 745
- Chinese involvement, possible, 435, 603
- Elections in RVN, possible outcome of, 699–700
- Escalation beyond Vietnam, 486
- Glassboro Summit discussions re, 501–502, 522–523, 527, 531–534, 535, 545, 559
- Gulf of Tonkin incident, 100
- Khrushchev’s policy, 244–245
- Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi, 240–241, 246–247, 258–259, 270, 279–280
- Mentality of DRV leadership, 698–699
- Moscow protests re, 184n , 235–238, 243, 251–256
- Peaceful settlement issue, 436–437
- Prospects for 1968, 620–621
- Sino-Soviet relations and, 247–248, 258, 338–339, 420, 583–584
- Soviet change of policy, prospects for, 285–286
- Soviet countermeasures to U.S. bombing, 238–240
- Soviet criticism of U.S. policy, 434–435
- Soviet dilemmas re, 405–406, 408–410, 589–590
- Soviet exploitation of, 364–367
- Soviet interest in prolongation of war, 603–604, 625–626
- Soviet military commitment to DRV, 241, 263, 281, 410, 482–483
- Soviet propaganda campaign, 271–272, 317–318, 442–443
- Soviet public opinion on, 272, 326
- Soviet rationale for supporting DRV, 226, 244–247, 278–281, 402
- Soviet-U.S. direct confrontation, potential for, 411–412, 478–480
- Soviet-U.S. relations and, 241–242, 243n , 248–249, 257–262, 263–264, 270–273, 302–303, 317–319, 339, 345, 351, 362–363, 390, 409–410, 576–577
- U.S. force increase in 1965, 317n
- U.S. propaganda campaign, 401–402
- U.S. rationale for involvement, 130, 259–262, 268–269
- U.S. troop withdrawal issue, 204, 429
- U.S. “warning and offer” approach to Soviets re settlement, 478–481
- Viet Cong’s role, 304–305, 307–308, 504
- Vietnam war peace initiatives (see also Bombing pause/cessation under Vietnam war), 260, 297–298, 313, 314, 338–339, 416, 645, 676, 730, 763
- Vinogradov, Vladimir M., 152, 594
- Voice of America, 80, 326, 332, 716–717, 727
- Volkov, Gen. Vladimir, 528, 543
- Voronov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 143, 161
- Vorontsov, Yuly M., 528, 543, 638, 639n , 760
- Voroshilov, Kliment, 60, 393
- Walker, Gordon, 304
- Wall, Daniel, 468
- Walsh, John P., 627n , 643n , 653n , 660n
- Warnke, Paul, 637
- Warsaw Pact (see also Czechoslovakia invasion by Warsaw Pact forces), 220, 440
- Watson, Marvin, 528, 543, 544n
- Watson, Michael, 473
- Westmoreland, Gen. William C., 443
- Wheat purchases by Soviets, 2–4, 14–17, 32, 322–325, 330, 343
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle, 675, 764, 766, 768
- White, Lee, 331n
- Williams, Edward Bennett, 598
- Wilson, Donald M., 77–82
- Wilson, Harold, 125, 456, 497, 629
- Wirtz, W. Willard, 14, 15, 16–17
- Wolf, Joseph J., 430
- Wortham, Buel R., 445, 465–466
- Wortzel, Arthur I., 374n , 453n , 647n , 651n
- Writers, Soviet prosecutions of, 376–378
- Wynne, Brig. Gen. P. D., Jr., 589n
- Yeagley, Walter, 596, 598
- Yefremov, 143
- Yegorychev, Nikolai, 587
- Yemen, 609, 622, 623
- Yost, Charles W., 187
- Yugoslavia, 204, 365, 368, 591
- Yuter, Morton, 715
- Zamyatin, Leonid M., 293, 528, 543
- Zemskoy, T., 528, 543
- Zhukov, Yuri, 479, 567, 572
- Zinchuk, Alexander, 475n , 650
- Zipper, Stephen, 595n
- Zorin, Valerian A., 235–238, 282