158. Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State1

Secto 10. Following summary of Secretary’s conversation with FonMin Nogueira is FYI, Noforn and subject to revision on review.2

FonMin Nogueira had hour’s talk mainly on Africa with Secretary Sunday p.m. in cordial non-controversial atmosphere from which following emerged:

Conversation general in nature and did not touch upon specific issues such as US attitude toward Holden Roberto and other nationalists, Loran C, Azores etc. In addition to African discussion, in which FonMin showed greatest interest, Secretary gave brief rundown on inconclusive Gromyko talks, ChiCom problem, Article 19 and prospects for NATO meeting.
Although situation in Portuguese Africa now calm and no cause for special concern, nevertheless, FonMin said GOP much worried about deteriorating situation in Africa as whole where radical elements [Page 324] in Arab and Black Africa exerting increased influence and pushing continent in extreme leftist if not Communist direction.
African radicals wish subvert Congo as strategic heart of Africa and are now claiming right of intervention there, supported by arms shipments for rebels, on grounds legitimate GOC is unacceptable to them. Nogueira said he might talk of this danger at NATO meeting.
Portuguese fully approved US-Belgium para rescue in Congo3 but would have liked see operation extended and troops kept longer. Secretary explained military limitations curtailed further use of operation.
Nogueira claimed recent African developments offer further evidence of correctness of Portuguese African policies and GOP cannot understand US efforts to modify them which can only lead to new Congo situations.
Nogueira agreed with Secretary Western European countries such as UK and France seem to be taking decreased interest in African problems and should do more to help.
Nogueira not expecting much from NATO meeting and disappointed by past meetings where Portuguese views largely ignored. He thought more informal and substantive exchanges of views should be encouraged but was non-committal re Secretary’s suggestion for added number of NATO sub-ministerial meetings.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL 15-1 PORT. Confidential. Also sent to Lisbon and USUN.
  2. Secretary Rusk was in Paris for the NATO Ministerial meeting. Memoranda of the Rusk-Nogueira conversations are ibid., Conference Files: Lot 66 D 110, CF 2462-2467.
  3. November 24-29. U.S. military aircraft ferried 500 Belgian paratroops to Stanleyville where they rescued and evacuated about 1,400 European refugees held hostage by Congolese guerrilla fighters.