90. Editorial Note
On July 27, 1965, the Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee resumed meetings in Geneva after a recess that began September 17, 1964. In a brief message of greetings to the conference, July 27, President Johnson set forth three objectives of the American delegation: nuclear non-proliferation, limitation of nuclear weapons and nuclear delivery systems, and a comprehensive ban on nuclear weapons tests. (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1965, Book II, page 790) This message was read by William C. Foster, head of the U.S. Delegation, in his opening statement. (Documents on Disarmament, 1965, pages 281-286)
The decision to limit President Johnson’s message to general welcoming remarks was made at a meeting of the Committee of Principals, July 22. For Seaborg’s minutes of the meeting, see Document 87. Recommendations for a comprehensive message are contained in a July 14 memorandum from Foster to McGeorge Bundy (Johnson Library, National Security File, Subject File, Disarmament, Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, Vol. I, Box 13), and Ambassador Thompson’s memorandum to Rusk, July 21 (Department of State, Central Files, DEF 18-6).