248. Letter From President Johnson to Chairman Kosygin1

Dear Mr. Chairman:

I was greatly encouraged by your letter on strategic arms talks, which was delivered by Ambassador Dobrynin on June 21.2

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As you know, the non-proliferation treaty, on which our representatives have worked so hard and so well in Geneva and New York, will be opened for signature in our two capitals as well as in London on July 1. I think it would be particularly fitting if, on that date, we could jointly announce our agreement to hold talks on the strategic missile problem. I believe this would do much to advance our common aim of achieving the widest possible endorsement of the treaty.

I look forward to further work from you when you have completed your deliberations in Moscow.


Lyndon B. Johnson
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Head of State Correspondence File, Pen Pal Correspondence, Kosygin.
  2. Document 247.