125. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense McNamara1
Washington, May 5, 1966.
- The Foreign Intelligence Effort of the United States
- 1.
- The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, in response to a memorandum for you by the Chairman, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, dated 19 April 1966,2 subject as above, has prepared a reply and forwarded it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for their consideration.
- 2.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff have reviewed the draft memorandum and consider that it is responsive to the request.
- 3.
- The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, consulted with the offices of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering, the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Administration), the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs), the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Analysis), the commanders of the unified and specified commands, and the Services and considered their views.
- 4.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend that a memorandum, substantially the same as that contained in the Appendix hereto, be forwarded to the Chairman, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, on a “Special Handling—Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals” basis.
- 5.
- Without attachment, this memorandum is Unclassified.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
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