71. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Warnke) to Secretary of Defense McNamara1


  • Restructuring of the Military Assistance Program
Following your conversation with Chairman Morgan of the House Foreign Affairs Committee concerning the restructuring of MAP from the Foreign Assistance Appropriation into the DOD budget,2 we have examined possible approaches for implementation and propose the following concept.
Basic Concept
Transfer to DOD budget the Forward Defense countries (China, Korea, Greece, Turkey, Iran); Base Rights countries (Ethiopia, Spain, Portugal); Philippines; International Military Headquarters; all training; MAAG support and administrative costs.
Transfer to State/AID the material programs for the remaining MAP recipients (Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asian internal security, civic action, and political influence programs).

Budgetary Approach

The general approach that could be followed would be to integrate total grant aid MAP requirements into the established budget and appropriation accounts of the Military Departments and other DOD components. Shift the responsibility for Congressional presentation and MAP budgeting to the respective departments and DOD components with support from ASD (ISA).

This would completely integrate MAP and its related appropriations within the budgets and appropriation accounts of the Military Departments and other DOD components. Military Departments, with the assistance of ASD (ISA), would incorporate MAP requirements into their current computations to determine budgetary requirements for appropriation purposes for the fiscal year and defend the total package before the Armed Services Committees of Congress. DOD would not seek authorization or appropriations from the Foreign Affairs/Relations Committees. It is to be expected that DOD would be required to inform [Page 208] these committees of intended value of aid to be delivered to a given country in a current or projected fiscal year. DOD control would be effected by ISA providing the Military Departments with annual MAP requirements, supervision of deliveries and major reprogramming activities.
Authorization Alternatives
The necessary continuing grant aid authorizing legislation could be drafted in one of two ways:
As a new separate self-contained chapter of Title 10 of the United States code (the existing basic authorities for DOD military functions), or
As new added sections to several existing chapters of Title 10, thus splitting up the various MAP authorities.

Note: It is assumed that Laos, Thailand and Vietnam would continue to be treated under existing authorizing legislation.

Procedurely, each of these two alternatives could be proposed to Congress for enactment as continuing law either in the form of:
A one-time separate bill, or
A one-time separate title of the FY 1969 Section 412(B) authorization.
Whichever approach is taken to secure the substantive continuing authorizing legislation, it may be anticipated that the Armed Serv-ices Committees will want to pass annually on the amount of NOA to be appropriated. The Assistant General Counsel (International Affairs) recommends that the continuing grant aid authorization be added as new sections to the several existing chapters of Title 10. Procedurely, this would be proposed to Congress as a one-time separate title of the FY 1969 Section 412(B) authorization. This course is favored because it would assure priority treatment of MAP authorizing legislation.
From a budgetary and managerial point of view, the OSD/Comptroller urges that if the MAP program is to be transferred, it be done in toto to the DOD budget with no part being transferred to AID.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff oppose splitting the MAP program between DOD and AID and including MAP programs in the Service budgets. They favor transfer of MAP as a single line item to the DOD budget.
Integrate MAP program into appropriate accounts of Service budgets in accordance with the basic concept, paragraph 2.A.
Draft the authorizing legislation as new added sections of several existing chapters of Title 10.
[Page 209]

15 December 1967

Note: The above subject discussed this date between Mr. McNamara and Mr. Warnke. Secretary McNamara approved as indicated.4

Vice Admiral, USN Director of Military Assistance
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 71 A 4546, 091. 3 MAP. Confidential.
  2. This conversation has not been further identified, but a copy of the talking points, dated December 7, prepared for McNamara’s meeting with Chairman Morgan is ibid.
  3. The handwritten notation “OK per RSM” appears on the approve lines following paragraphs A and B.
  4. This note from Heinz seems to indicate that Warnke initialed the approve lines for McNamara after the two discussed the memorandum.