372. Editorial Note
President Johnson signed into law H.R. 653 (P.L. 90–638; 82 Stat. 1359), on October 24, 1968. Section 2 established a uniform tariff on reprocessed wool fabrics and blends based upon the chief weight of the principal component of the fabric. The changes were scheduled to take effect 60 days after enactment, and President Johnson directed the U.S. Tariff Commission to study alternatives. For text of the President’s statement, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1968–69, Book II, pages 1071–1072.
The tariff changes were not well received in Europe. European Economic Community representatives said that textile trade arrangements negotiated in GATT were imperiled. The Italian Government was especially displeased since its textile trade with the United States was heavily impacted by the changes. (Telegram 9916 from Brussels, October 15, and telegram 9131 from Rome, October 26; both in Department of State, Central Files, INCO–WOOL 17 US)