360. Telegram From the Mission to the European Communities to the Department of State1

3434. Pass Agriculture. Subject: Supplementary Poultry Levies.

Commission official informed us that at December 6 Management Committee meeting no changes were recommended on the levies on turkeys or turkey parts.
He said that this lack of action should, in fact, be interpreted as action favorable to United States’ interests, and we should recognize it as such. His explanation was that the price information the Management Committee had before it would have justified increased levies, e.g. an 80 percent increase in the supplementary levy on whole turkeys of about 5 cents.
Source reiterated that Commission should be given recognition for action it had taken which indicated that our views and representations had been taken into account.
Source urged U.S. officials to hold this information, especially paragraph 2, closely and to use it with great discretion in order to avoid a situation in which the Commission would be forced to impose the increases.
We hope to obtain tomorrow details concerning other recommendations that may have been made by Poultry Management Committee.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–POULTRY EEC. Confidential; Limited Official Use. Repeated to Bonn, The Hague, London, Luxembourg for USEC, Paris for USOECD, Rome, and Geneva for GATT.