316. Editorial Note
On April 4, 1966, Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman signed a Protocol for the Further Extension of the 1962 International Wheat Agreement. The Protocol provided for the extension of the Agreement, which would expire on July 31, 1966, until July 31, 1967. Regarding the 1965 Protocol extending the 1962 International Wheat Agreement to July 31, 1966, see Document 261. Request for the President’s approval of full power to Secretary Freeman and Under Secretary Schnittker to sign the 1966 Protocol for the United States is contained in a March 2 memorandum from Benjamin H. Read to Bromley Smith. A typewritten note on this memorandum indicates that the President signed the paper granting this full power on March 4. (Department of State, Central Files, INCO–WHEAT 3) The U.S. Senate gave its advice and consent to the Protocol on July 14, which entered into force for the United States on July 16 (Parts I and III–VII) and August 1 (Part II). For text of the Protocol, see 17 UST 948.