176. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to Holders of NSAM Nos. 324 and 3331


  • Miller Report Follow-up
The President wants to get the follow-up process going, and would like Under Secretary Mann to take the lead on the Hill.
The Administration is in favor of the Miller Committee recommendations, and, in particular, is in favor of an East-West Trade Act along the lines suggested in the Mann memorandum of June 17.2
However, the President does not wish to add to the current legislative load, especially of the Senate, and hence will not plan to send up a bill this session.
If anyone in the Congress were to introduce a bill of the sort suggested in the Mann memorandum, the Administration would support it.
A possible sequence, to be explored with Senator Mansfield and others, would involve hearings on the Miller Report this session, and a bill early in the next.
The Miller Report should be given wide circulation both in the Senate and the House.
McGeorge Bundy
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, NSAM File, NSAM 324, Box 6. No classification marking.
  2. Document 173.