Commodities and Strategic Materials
317. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission in Geneva
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COTTON GATT. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by George R. Jacobs (E/OR/ICD); cleared by Harald B. Malmgren (STR), Stanley Nehmer (Commerce), Herbert N. Blackman (Labor), and Thomas W. Wolfe (Treasury); and approved by Henry Hopp (FTD).
318. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Mann) to President Johnson
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COCOA 3. Confidential. Drafted by Edward R. Fried and Paul E. Callanan (E/OR) on May 20 and cleared by Bashkin (Commerce), Joseph A. Silberstein (ARA), Joseph Palmer (AF), and Solomon (E).
319. Telegram From the Mission in Geneva to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COTTON GATT. Limited Official Use; Priority. There is no time of transmission on the source text; the telegram was received at 7:37 a.m. Repeated to Bonn, Brussels for USEC, The Hague, Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg for USEC, New Delhi, Paris for USOECD, Rawalpindi, Rome, and Tokyo and passed to the White House.
320. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COCOA 3. Limited Official Use. Repeated to Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Geneva, Lagos, Lome, London, Rio de Janeiro, Yaounde, and Paris for USOECD.
321. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COCOA 3. Limited Official Use; Priority. Repeated to Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Geneva, Lagos, Lome, London, Rio de Janeiro, Yaounde, and Paris for USOECD.
322. Memorandum From the Department of State Executive Secretary (Read) to the President’s Special Assistant (Rostow)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COCOA 3. Limited Official Use. Drafted by George R. Jacobs (E/OR/ICD) on June 24 and cleared by Assistant Secretary Solomon.
323. Letter From Secretary of Commerce Connor to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (Schultze)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COTTON GATT. No classification marking. Copies were sent to Secretaries Rusk, Freeman, Fowler, and Wirtz, and to Herter.
324. Telegram From the Mission in Geneva to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–GRAINS GATT. Limited Official Use. Repeated to Bern, Bonn, Brussels for USEC, Buenos Aires, Canberra, Copenhagen, The Hague, London, Luxembourg for USEC, Oslo, Ottawa, Paris for USOECD, Rome, Stockholm, and Tokyo and passed to the White House for Herter.
326. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COFFEE 3. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Jack B. Button (E/OR/ICD/TRP) on September 12; cleared by Paul E. Callanan (E/OR/ICD/TRP), William Kling (AF/AFI), and Joseph A. Silverstein (ARA/ECP); and approved by Fried (E/OR). Sent to Bogota, London, and Rio de Janeiro and pouched to 23 other posts.
327. Telegram From the Mission in Geneva to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COTTON 4 GATT. Confidential. Repeated to 26 posts.
328. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Johnson Library, White House Central Files, Confidential Files, CM (Tin—Watches). Confidential. Drafted by Robert W. Barnett (FE). On the source text the time of the meeting is 12:30, which is incorrect. The actual time of the meeting is taken from the President’s Daily Diary. (Ibid.) An attached undated note from Barnett to Rostow, noted that GSA suspension of sales had to be for an indefinite period pending completion of the review discussed by the President and the Deputy Prime Minister. Barnett’s note concluded: “Suspension for the rest of this quarter would be in effect locking the barn, etc.”
329. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State (Katzenbach) to the President’s Special Assistant (Califano)
Source: Johnson Library, White House Central Files, Confidential File, CM (Tin—Watches). Confidential. In an attached October 5 note to Califano, Katzenbach emphasized that while he recognized the importance of selling from the stockpile, “it still does not make sense to me to push so hard for an additional $35 million, or less, that we cost Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, $150 million of their earnings.” Katzenbach’s note concluded: “I know the President’s concern with stockpiles. I really feel quite strongly about this one.”
330. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Australia
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–WHEAT GATT. Confidential; Immediate; Limdis. Drafted by Irwin R. Hedges on October 19; cleared by Julius L. Katz (E/OT) and Fred H. Sanderson, Raymond A. Ioanes, and Schnittker (Agriculture), and Roth; and approved by Fried (E/OR). Repeated to Buenos Aires, Ottawa, and Geneva.
331. Telegram From the Embassy in Australia to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–WHEAT GATT. Confidential; Flash. Passed to the White House and USIA.
332. Telegram From the Embassy in Australia to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–WHEAT GATT. Confidential; Flash. Passed to the White House and USIA.
333. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Australia
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–WHEAT GATT. Confidential; Flash; Limdis. Repeated to Ottawa, Buenos Aires, and Geneva for GATT. Drafted by Ioanes and Schnittker (Agriculture), Hedges, and Fried; cleared by Eugene Rostow, Solomon, John P. Walsh (S/S), and Bator; and approved by Katzenbach.
334. Memorandum From the President’s Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bator) to President Johnson
Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Name File, Bator Memos, Box 1–2. No classification marking. In an attached note to President Johnson, November 4, Bator wrote that he would “try to avoid bothering” the President “with minor nuisance problems during the next few weeks.” (The President had announced late on November 3 that he was going to Texas for a few weeks to rest up for upcoming surgery.) Bator added, however, that because he thought “there is chance that the textile people will try to get you to say something in Texas about import controls,” he was sending him the attached summary, which he had prepared before the President’s announcement of his Texas trip and operation, “of the arguments for turning them down.”
335. Telegram From the Embassy in Australia to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–GRAINS GATT. Confidential.
336. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Johnson
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COTTON 4 GATT. No classification marking. Drafted by J. David Stoner (L/E). Attached to the source text are two memoranda. The first is a November 16 memorandum from Stoner to the Executive Secretariat requesting that Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Eugene Rostow approve a memorandum granting Circular 175 authority for the negotiation and signature of an agreement extending the LTA before forwarding to the Secretary his memorandum to President Johnson. (The Circular 175 memorandum has not been found.) The second, from Solomon through Rostow to Secretary Rusk, November 18, notes among other things that Rostow had granted this Circular 175 authority in part on the assumption that prior Presidential determinations authorizing such negotiations continued to apply.
337. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (Palmer) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Solomon)
Source: Johnson Library, Solomon Papers, Cocoa. Confidential.
338. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–GRAINS 4 UK-US. Limited Official Use; Priority. Drafted by D. Novotny (Agriculture/FAS) and Irwin R. Hedges; cleared by Julius L. Katz, James T. Johnson (EUR/RPE), and Raymond A. Ioanes; and approved by Fred H. Sanderson.
339. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–WOOL 17 US. Unclassified. Drafted by Mary E. McDonnell (E/OT/STA) on December 7; cleared by Garber (FTC), Edward Dahl (E/CBA/REP), and William W. Shoaf (Commerce/BDS) (in substance); and approved by John F. Shaw (E/OT/STA). Sent to Bern, Bonn, Brussels, Dublin, The Hague, Hong Kong, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Ottawa, Paris, Rome, Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo, Vienna and repeated to Geneva for GATT.
340. Note Verbale From the European Economic Community to the U.S. Mission to the European Communities
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–WOOL. Unclassified. The source text is the enclosure to ECBUS A–341 from Brussels, December 23, which was also sent to Bonn, The Hague, London, Luxembourg, Paris, Rome, and Geneva. The airgram indicates that the text is a Mission translation of the Note Verbale. The date is taken from information provided in the airgram.
341. Letter From the Under Secretary of State (Katzenbach) to the Representative to the United Nations (Goldberg)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COCOA 4. No classification marking.
344. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Installations and Logistics (Ignatius) to Secretary of Defense McNamara
Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, Records of the Office of Secretary of Defense: FRC 72 A 2468, 400.23. Confidential. Stamped notations on the source text indicate that Secretary McNamara saw this memorandum on June 29.
345. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State (Katzenbach) to President Johnson
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COCOA 4. Confidential. An attached June 30 memorandum from Solomon to Katzenbach indicates that Solomon prepared the attached memorandum in accordance with the decision made at Katzenbach’s staff meeting on June 23 and asks Katzenbach to sign it.
346. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts
Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–COCOA 4. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Morton Abramowitz (E/ORF/TRP) on July 7; cleared by William Kling (AF/AFI), Liane Atlas (IO/OES), and Bashkin (Commerce); and approved by Fried. Sent to Accra, Abidjan, Lagos, Lome, Rio de Janeiro, Yaounde, USUN, Geneva, Bern, Bonn, London, Paris, and The Hague.