392. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1
November 9, 1967, 0055Z.
66947. Ref: Saigon’s 10232.2
- 1.
- We plan to review Viet-Nam/UN question with Ambassador Bunker in Washington but if matter raised with you in interim you may draw on following.
- 2.
- Although Congress has not yet adopted Mansfield resolution and Security Council members still preoccupied with very active Middle East negotiations, we contemplate that our consultations in New York may lead to actual convening of SC and effort to inscribe Viet-Nam [Page 1006] problem on agenda. This does not mean we have assurance we can obtain nine votes necessary for inscription; nor, in light of our experiences in 1966, would inscription necessarily bring any meaningful consideration of issue in SC.
- 3.
- In general, we believe prospects of accomplishing inscription as result of GVN initiative would be very poor. Some SC members who might otherwise be persuaded to vote for inscription following US initiative would clearly resist GVN initiative on grounds that it far more certain to stir unhelpful negative response from Communist side.
- 4.
- In these circumstances we believe best approach for time being re GVN and UN would be for GVN to react positively to US initiative. If we move formally to convene Council, for example, GVN could welcome SC consideration and perhaps send letter to SC President requesting GVN participation and suggesting principles consistent with but not exact reproduction of those contained in US draft resolution.
- 5.
- Ambassador Goldberg would wish to concert closely with GVN UN Rep, and he will be in touch with him prior to SC move.
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27 VIET S/UN. Secret; Exdis. Drafted by Gleysteen; cleared by Sisco, Goldberg, and Habib; and approved by Bundy. Repeated to USUN.↩
- In telegram 10232, November 2, Bunker discussed his meeting with Thieu on the Mansfield Resolution. Thieu suggested that in the event of North Vietnamese rejection of a direct GVN approach to open a dialogue, he would then appeal to the United Nations for consideration of the Vietnam issue. (Ibid.)↩