199. Memorandum From the Deputy for Civil Operations and Revolutionary
Development (Komer)
to the Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (Westmoreland)1
I’ve been pressing a new concept for attack on
infrastructure in hopes of selling it before our visitors
arrive. It is based on a long background of my own study and analysis
back in Washington. CORDS, J–2, and
OSA have reviewed it and buy the concept, though many personnel and
other details will have to be worked out.
The concept is frankly experimental, but it costs us little to
experiment. We have no place to go but up. It is essentially a
management structure extending right down to district level. Added
personnel needs will be minimal at the outset, and probably available in
The new organization gives OSA a key managerial role, but with full J–2
participation at all levels. I think this sound, because anti-
infrastructure intelligence and operations are primarily a police-type
matter, and OSA has extensive expertise. Also, I envisage PRU and NPFF as chief exploitation arms. Thus, on
the principle of choosing the best “project manager,” I chose OSA. But
at each level the operation will come under the relevant commander.
There is some concern lest we be setting up two intelligence chains, one
for tactical intelligence and another for anti-infrastructure. However,
I strongly favor this from a management viewpoint, because the necessary
and vital concentration of military intelligence assets (ARVN and US) on tactical needs has partly been at the expense of
anti-infrastructure. Moreover, the duplication is so minimal as to be
I intend to personally monitor and if necessary manage this experiment.
But I don’t want to start till I’m sure I’m on all fours with you.
[Page 504]
Memorandum From the Deputy for Civil Operations and
Revolutionary Development (Komer) to the Commander, Military Assistance
Command, Vietnam (Westmoreland)
- Organization for Attack on VC
- 1.
- Purpose: To outline an improved
organization for attack on VC
- 2.
- Discussion:
- a.
- AB–142, the Combined Campaign Plan, highlights
destruction of the VC
infrastructure as a necessary component of revolutionary
- b.
- MRD and supporting US
documents describing concepts for revolutionary
development also focus on destruction of the VC infrastructure as a basic
- c.
- RD teams are instructed
to “root out the VC
- d.
- You have recently emphasized, on several occasions,
the need for a better approach to this key problem
- e.
- Nevertheless, an integrated, organized attack on the
VC infrastructure has
not been mounted countrywide.
- f.
- In contrast to the greatly improved tactical
intelligence which has materially aided anti-main force
operations, results against the infrastructure leave
much to be desired. CT 4, organized as part of Operation
Fairfax, has pulled together at a high level and for a
limited area most of the anti-infrastructure
intelligence organizations. But overall results against
the infrastructure—considering the length of the
operation and size of the troop commitment—have been
- g.
- Attack on the infrastructure is not strictly an
intelligence problem, but must include exploitation as
well. While many units and agencies—US and GVN—are at least partially
involved in the attack on infrastructure, there is as
yet only piecemeal coordination particularly at the
local level. For example, there are only a few District
Operational Intelligence Coordination Centers—modeled on
the Dien Ban experiment. Nor is there adequate tie-in
between intelligence gathering and exploitation.
- h.
- Because rooting out the infrastructure is an essential
element of the pacification process, I propose to make
it part of Project Takeoff
[Page 505]
and to monitor it personally. In
my judgment, attack on the infrastructure is—in both its
intelligence and exploitation aspects—primarily a
police-type measure (see Annex 5 of basic study).3 The GVN agency with the
greatest intelligence capability in this field seems to
be the NP Special Branch,
supported by OSA, and the exploitation assets best
suited in the PRV and later a revamped NPFF.
- i.
- Therefore, I had CIA
in Washington do a study for me on how to mount a more
effective attack on VC
infrastructure, especially at the critical district and
province levels. I have since personally revised the
study with CORDS and
OSA help. It is at Tab E.
- j.
- A sustained, effective attack on VC infrastructure requires
primarily better management of already substantial
GVN/US resources, i.e. pulling
together the multiplicity of US and GVN
agencies already partly in the business. It must be a
combined civil/military effort, primarily GVN in character, but with
US civil/military
assets in an energizing and advisory role. With the
Mission reorganization, such joint US action is now more
feasible than before.
- k.
- What is chiefly needed is: (1) a joint management
structure extending from Saigon down to district—first
on a “US-only” basis and
then with full GVN
participation; (2) a “program manager” at each level to
insure coordinated action; (3) use of MACV’s excellent ADP
system to provide up-to-date target lists to the
provinces and districts and to monitor performance; (4)
machinery to assign these targets to appropriate
exploitation assets at each field level. The
organizational concept proposed to meet these
requirements conforms to the new CORDS structure at each
level and to the new integrated chain of command (Tab
A). It is essentially a unified management structure
targeted specifically on infrastructure, but building on
existing assets and organizations.
- l.
- While the agencies and personnel concerned must be
predominantly Vietnamese, US personnel must play the vital catalytic
role. Experience has shown that a small number of US “advisors” in key
positions can energize much larger GVN operations. By using
existing OSA and MI personnel, added US personnel requirements
can be held to a bare minimum of around 164, most of
whom are probably available in theater (Tab B).
- m.
- The operational concept at the cutting edge is
analogous to a “rifle shot” rather than a “shotgun”
approach. Instead of cordon and search operations, it
will stress quick reaction operations aimed at
individual cadre or at most small groups. Cutting off
the heads of the infrastructure at local levels will
tend to degrade the whole structure. A
[Page 506]
three-phase plan for
putting the above concepts into operation is essential.
First concept approval should be obtained. Next the
US side should be
developed. Then the plan should be presented to the
appropriate GVN agencies
(Tab C).
- o.
- MACV Staff concurs in
importance of revitalized attack on the infrastructure
and in the general concept outlined herein, though it
requests more detailed study of the modest added
personnel required (164 in all—most of whom I believe
are already programmed or could be reprogrammed from
in-country resources) and of the intermediate level
- 3.
- a.
- As Deputy for CORDS I approve this concept in
substance, but wish to see if you have any
- b.
- Provided you see none, I will convene the proposed
Saigon-level ICEX
Committee, under my chairmanship, to review and
submit firm requirements for personnel, intermediate
structure, and time-phased plans for
- c.
- I further propose to inform Ambassador Bunker by letter of
the action taken. I do not believe that we need his
formal concurrence, though I am confident he will
have no objection.