242. Memorandum From the Presidentʼs Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1
September 22, 1966, 9:15 a.m.
Mr. President:
Here is Bill Bundyʼs proposed scenario.
I would only add this: October will be a month of prayer among Catholics
for peace in Viet Nam. That fact will be politically important in the
U.S. and throughout the world.
Therefore, if we go forward with this meeting, we ought to give a lot of
thought to making the most of a common plea for peace at the meeting and
give maximum emphasis to the civilian aspects of Vietnamese development:
- —An appeal to the VC and an
amnesty offer;
- —The surfacing of work on a Vietnamese long-term development
- —Forward movement on the Honolulu program; etc.
[Page 653]
As for Billʼs raising the question of the political impact of the
conference—at home and abroad—I have these observations: the domestic
effect is a matter on which only you can render a judgment; the impact
abroad will depend, in the end, on whether the conference produced
serious results and an authentic sense of forward movement. In turn,
that will depend on having the conference as well prepared as we can by
a small first-class, imaginative group.
If we go ahead, I would suggest that we put Bill Moyers, Bill Jorden, Bob Komer, Bill Leonhart, and
Len Unger to work virtually full time from the moment you make a
positive decision.
I just talked to George Ball to
ascertain what Sec. Ruskʼs view
was of the enterprise. He is reported as “very enthusiastic.”
Bill Jorden and I think Ky should
initiate the meeting—the others should respond. Itʼs their war.
P.S. Now a wild idea. Send a message, in greatest secrecy, to
Ho Chi Minh that you want
to talk to him personally in, say, Rangoon. You win if he refuses or
if he accepts.
September 21,
Memorandum Prepared by the Assistant
Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Bundy)2
- Scenario and Issues on a Meeting of Chiefs of Government to
Discuss Viet-Nam
The Proposal
The proposal is that a meeting be held in late October in Manila, to
be attended by the Chiefs of Government of South Viet-Nam, the US,
and the nations contributing military forces in South Viet-Nam—The
Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and Thailand. Such a
meeting would have the over-all purpose of presenting to the world a
[Page 654]
picture of the
collective support being given to South Viet-Nam; it would provide
an effective occasion for reviewing the military situation at least
in general terms, but stress would be placed on the non-military
programs and on the posture of South Viet-Nam, the US, and the other
participants toward a peaceful settlement.
This memorandum discusses the possible sequence of actions in
bringing about such a meeting, and the major issues that should be
considered in making plans.
Possible Sequence of
- 1.
- Both Holt and Holyoake have elections, and
would feel very hurt if they were not privately consulted before
the Asian participants are approached. We believe that both will
see no political problem in the proposed meeting—and may well
see some advantage. Nonetheless, we should have a quick
turn-around with them before we approach the Asians. (Messages
for this purpose will be drafted immediately.)
- 2.
- Our next approach should be to South Viet-Nam. Prime Minister
Ky and Thieu should both be
“consulted” but in a fashion that makes clear that we expect
them to agree, and that also makes clear to Ky that this conference would
essentially be in lieu of his visiting the US separately. (A
message for this purpose will be drafted immediately.)
- 3.
- Marcos, Park, and Thanom should then be
approached concurrently; at the same time confirming invitations
should go to Holt and
Holyoake. Part of our
approach to Ky should be
to get him to agree to be the inviting party jointly with us,
but he should agree also that we will be the ones to handle the
diplomatic exchanges in establishing the meeting. (Messages to
this effect will be drafted immediately.)
- 4.
- Announcement of the conference could then follow. As one
possibility, it should be done concurrently in Saigon and
Washington, with confirming announcements in the other four
capitals. Alternatively—and perhaps better—Marcos could make the
announcement. In view of the minimum period of 2–3 days required
to get concurrence from Australia and New Zealand and then from
Viet-Nam, it might be possible for Marcos to make the announcement before he leaves
US territory on the 27th. However, to seek an immediate
announcement without those clearances might well involve serious
adverse reactions in Viet-Nam and to a lesser extent in
Australia and New Zealand.
In all of the above sequence, it would be desirable, although not
essential, to have as clear a picture as possible on the scope of
the conference, its duration, and other features. The question of
dates should of course be firm in any event.
Issues Requiring Early
- 1.
Dates. While a successful late
October conference would have many great and perhaps
decisive advantages, we must reckon that many
[Page 655]
quarters in the US
and significant elements of third-country opinion would
relate the timing of the conference to the US elections.
However successful the conference in fact turned out to be,
its “image” would be up against considerable cynical advance
comment and resistance. If Ky later had political trouble—and
particularly if that trouble was attributed, however
wrongly, to the conference—the possible eventual net loss
might be serious. In other words, a conference in late
October has possibly greater potential gains but also
greater potential losses, than a conference after the US
The alternative date would appear to be in mid or late
November, which would not have a favorable impact on our
elections but would have somewhat less risks.
In the choice of dates, we do not see the Viet-Nam political
situation as a predictable factor arguing either way. The
Constituent Assembly will be in operation by late October,
and will probably be continuing into November. It is just
possible that it will have completed its work by early
November, so that Ky would appear in a strong and favorable
light in mid-November. On the other hand, the Constitution
would represent a milestone on the election of some
successor, so that Kyʼs authority and tenure might look more solid
in late October.3
- 2.
- Level and Location. We agree completely
that a meeting of Heads of Government is the proper level, and
that the Philippines is an ideal location. In many ways,
however, Manila itself might be less desirable than Baguio.
However, this need not be decided before the conference is set
up, and Marcos might even suggest a third site.
- 3.
- Scope. The following are considerations
and possible useful points.
- a.
- Since the meeting is based on military contributions,
it would be incongruous to omit a review of the military
situation. Moreover, the Koreans in particular would
undoubtedly welcome and want this. However, we should
probably try to confine this element to a simple review
and forecast, with no implication that great new
decisions on military strategy are being taken. This of
course follows the Honolulu pattern.
- b.
- On the non-military side, the South Vietnamese should
play a leading role in presenting a progress report on
the actions that have been taken in pacification,
economic benefits, and the rest. The communique should
stress these elements, and also the South Vietnamese
presentation of their political timetable and progress.
An additional element which might be stressed in this
area is that of plans for post-war reconstruction
[Page 656]
development, including the conversion of military
facilities to civilian use. At the same time, this theme
should not be so stressed as to convey the implication
that the participants are confident of early
- c.
- The communique must contain a firm and clear statement
of position on negotiations and the elements of a
peaceful settlement. Here we must note that we have not
had the fullest possible discussions with the South
Vietnamese—although we plan to do so in the immediate
future—and that we have never gone deeply into many of
the issues with Korea, the Philippines, or Thailand.
This suggests the practical need that each participant
send its Foreign Secretary, and that the Foreign
Secretaries meet separately in the early stages of the
conference to hammer out the necessary communique
language and to explore as much of the subject as can be
profitably discussed. We would have to do careful
advance work so that South Viet-Nam, through its able
Foreign Minister—Tran Van
Do—took as much of a lead as
- 4.
- Duration. Because of time pressures on
the Chiefs of Government, two days might have to be the duration
of the actual conference, although a third day would have many
advantages in cementing the picture of serious and deep
discussions. With the time-change adjustment from a long Pacific
trip there would be advantage if the President would plan to
arrive at least a day before the opening of the
- 5.
- The Philippine Angle. If the conference
were held in Manila itself, a call by the President on President
Marcos would not add
significant time to the schedule. However, we must reckon that
there would be significant Philippine pressures for the
President to pay his respects to our bilateral relations with
the Philippines through some separate speech, a separate
reception, or otherwise. If the conference were held outside
Manila, such actions might be even more pressed by Marcos.
- 6.
- Possible Additional Visits. It is
understood that the President might consider going on to
Australia. If so, this reinforces the importance of the first
contact being made with Holt. As of now, we would suppose that
Holt is fairly certain of reelection and that a Presidential
visit would if anything enhance his chances. However, we must
reckon that such a visit would involve the US deeply in
Australian politics, and would be open to sharp criticism from
Working Preparations
To get a solid and effective discussion of the issues and
particularly to get good presentations by the South Vietnamese, a
small and not too conspicuous US team might be sent to Saigon a few
days in advance to assist the Mission. Extensive work will obviously
be required on all the non-military programs, and General Westmoreland should presumably
work with the South Vietnamese military leaders so that they take as
much of a role as possible in presenting the military picture. On
the diplomatic side, we should try to have careful advance
discussions in the various capitals to cover the issues and to
prepare the way for the meetings of the Foreign Secretaries.