213. Memorandum From the Ambassador at Large (Harriman) to President Johnson and Secretary of State Rusk1

As a result of previous consideration, and particularly Henry Kissingerʼs talks in Vietnam, we have begun to take several steps looking toward possible eventual reconciliation between substantial elements of the Viet Cong and the GVN. There are three areas of activity:2

Efforts to increase defection, including the higher echelons;
Consideration of ways and means to create divisions within the NLF or VC;
Development of conditions which might eventually lead to negotiations between the GVN and NLF.

Ambassador Lodge is on board but he points out, and we agree, that it will take some time to get full understanding and cooperation from General Ky and his colleagues.

[Page 588]

In the meantime the Chieu Hoi program will be emphasized and steps undertaken to bring about the defection of important individuals.

It is our hope that after the elections, perhaps by early October, conditions will be ripe for a proposal by the GVN for a general amnesty with full social, economic and political status for those who come over.

Our targets are the noncommunist VC. There is not much hope of influencing the hard core communists who are part of Ho Chi Minhʼs party apparatus.

One interesting feature is that the Rand interrogation reports indicate little communist indoctrination among the VC rank and file. The propaganda emphasizes three themes—land, peace and a better life.

These and other reports indicate that efforts along the lines undertaken will be useful even though it may take some time before their full impact is felt.

There are a number of leads to Hanoi which we are investigating in detail, but none so far can be considered as a hot trail.

W. Averell Harriman3
  1. Source: Department of State, S/S-Vietnam Briefing Books: Lot 70 D 207, Viet-Nam Negotiations, 8/8/66. Secret.
  2. In a 6-page memorandum to Harriman entitled “The NLF and Where We Go From Here,” August 31, Cooper discussed a number of ideas for advancing activity in all three areas. (Ibid., Viet-Nam Negotiations, 1968)
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.