144. Editorial Note

In a briefing memorandum dated 8 a.m., May 21, 1966, Special Assistant Walt Rostow advised President Johnson that in Danang “heavy exchanges of fire between GVN and struggle forces [had] led to VNAF bombing of the latter” and that mortar fire, “possibly from [Page 397] struggle forces,” had injured 13 U.S. servicemen. (Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Vietnam, vol. LII) In its lead story that morning, datelined Danang, May 21, The New York Times reported that “government marines today took over one of the pagodas used as a refuge by dissidents here after four hours of bitter fighting in which two Buddhist monks were killed.” The Times stated that “dissident soldiers and Buddhists were still holding out in two other pagodas.”

At 10:10 a.m. on May 21, White House Press Secretary Bill Moyers telephoned Secretary of State Rusk and indicated that the President was “deeply disturbed” about Vietnam. “It seems to him that internally we cannot permit this thing to go on, it will tear us to pieces and [he] thinks time has come for us to try to push whatever buttons we have to push.” (Department of State, Rusk Files: Lot 72 D 192, Telcons)

In telegram 3575 to Saigon, transmitted at 6:29 p.m. on May 21, the Department of State advised Ambassador Lodge that the press was giving the events in Danang “full play with pictures of GVN tanks trained on pagodas.” The Department stated that the “situation now appears to American public to be getting out of hand with US in helpless position. While we should not be driven to actions not wise in themselves by these attitudes, fact is that they make resolution of crisis matter of drastic urgency from any standpoint. FYI: Gallup Poll being published tomorrow will indicate 54% saying US should withdraw from SVN if internal squabbling continues.” The Department then outlined a series of issues for Lodge to raise with Prime Minister Ky and concluded by asking Lodge whether he thought the United States should assert its power “forcefully and drastically” to end the crisis. (Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Vietnam, vol. LIII) Lodge replied in telegram 4829 from Saigon, May 22. He summarized his lengthy discussion with Ky earlier that day, noting that Ky claimed that his government “had virtually complete control over the city of Danang.” (Department of State, Central Files, POL 15 VIET S)

In a Vietnam Situation Report summarizing events in the Struggle crisis dating from May 22 to June 7, the Department of State reported that “the main Struggle base, the Tinh Hoi pagoda, fell to GVN troops on May 23 without a fight, and the GVN reasserted its authority over the city. Those dissidents who were not captured or who did not surrender either left the city or went underground. The total number of Vietnamese dead in the battle for Danang was between 60 and 75 although Struggle forces in Hue claimed the figure to be much higher.” (Ibid., EA/VN Files: Lot 75 D 167, Viet-Nam Situation Reports, 1966) In Advice and Support: The Final Years, page 141, Jeffrey Clarke states that “according to rough U.S. estimates, casualties for both sides included 150 South Vietnamese dead and 700 wounded, and another 23 American soldiers wounded.”