122. Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1
April 14, 1966, 7:33 p.m.
2014. Ref: Dep Cir Tel 1995 (Notal).2
- 1.
- This is second Viet-Nam sitrep for use as appropriate with host government officials.
- 2.
- Chief of State Thieu appeared morning April 14 before National Political Congress, convened by GVN to determine form of body to draft constitution,3 and signed decree providing that free, universal elections for a constitutional convention be held within three to five months. Details as to election date, number of delegates and election regulations to be subject of later decree. Delegates to Congress greeted Thieuʼs action with enthusiastic cheers.
- 3.
- Before adjourning, Political Congress produced 10-point declaration, representing areas of agreement reached among delegates (attendance grew to almost 120 out of 168 invited), including: that present government agree to resign as soon as constitutional convention formed; that government issue decree providing for elected constitutional convention within 4 months (this subject of Thieuʼs decree); that communist and neutralist elements not be allowed to join constitutional convention; that GVN promise amnesty for those who participated in struggle movement; and that agitation and disturbances stop.
- 4.
- Reaction of militant Buddhist opposition to these developments not yet clear. Moderate Buddhist leaders reported to be satisfied for time being, and large planned demonstration in Saigon took place in somewhat abbreviated fashion, in good order and discipline. However, question in fore at moment is nature of government to hold power in interim until permanent institutions established. Buddhists still demanding immediate change in government on grounds present GVN cannot be trusted to carry out promises. This attitude stated in Congress by Buddhist Institute observer, who had been persuaded to attend final sessions of Congress by other members.4 Ky himself had opened floodgates to discussion by addressing Congress to effect that form of interim government up to Congress. Congress tackled this problem inconclusively during final session. Chairman termed Congress very successful.
- 5.
- Hue and Danang radios, in hands of “struggle forces,” continued attacks on GVN and Political Congress. Situation in those cities and elsewhere in country generally calm.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 15 VIET S. Confidential. Drafted by D.A. Engel in FE/VN, cleared by Miller, and approved by Unger. Sent for action to 26 posts and repeated to Saigon.↩
- Not printed. (Ibid.)↩
- The Congress convened on April 12. The GVNʼs decision to convene the National Political Congress was reported in telegram 3746 from Saigon, April 5. (Ibid.)↩
- The Buddhist Institute boycotted the Congress. Lodge summarized the observerʼs comments in his report on the Congressʼ morning session on April 14. (Telegram 3968 from Saigon, April 14; ibid.)↩