178. Telegram From the Office of the Secretary of Defense to the Embassy in Vietnam1

DEF 6181. Exclusive for Ambassador Taylor signed McNamara. After meeting with the President this morning,2 we believe it wise for General Johnson to go to Saigon to meet with you and General Westmoreland. He proposes to leave at 2100 EST on 3 March, ETA 0830 Saigon time, 5 March. Purpose of trip is to examine with you and General Westmoreland what more can be done within South Vietnam. He will bring with him a list of additional actions which has been developed here for your consideration.3 Would appreciate your developing a similar list for discussion with him.4 In developing list, you may, of course, assume no limitation on funds, equipment or personnel. We will be prepared to act immediately and favorably on any recommendations you and General Johnson may make. The President is continuing to support such action against North as is now in progress but does not consider such actions a substitute for additional action within South Vietnam. The President wants us to examine all possible additional actions—political, military, and economic—to see what more can be done in South Vietnam. Carl Rowan will accompany General Johnson for urgent review of psychological warfare and information programs.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 VIET S. Top Secret; Immediate; Nodis. Drafted and released by Vance. Printed in part in Pentagon Papers: Gravel Edition, vol. III, p. 337.
  2. The President held an 8:25 a.m. breakfast meeting in the second floor dining room at the White House with McNamara, Rusk, Vance, and General Harold Johnson. (Johnson Library, President’s Daily Diary) No other record of this meeting has been found, but see Westmoreland, A Soldier Reports, p. 125.
  3. Apparently a reference to Document 176.
  4. No record of a similar Embassy list has been found.
  5. In telegram 418 to Saigon, March 2, Rowan informed Zorthian of the purpose of his visit and with whom he wanted to meet. (Washington National Records Center, RG 84, Saigon Embassy Files: FRC 68 A 5612, A/ORG 2–6) See also Document 160.