The attached memorandum will be the main topic of discussion at the
meeting scheduled for noon tomorrow, Friday. In the main, the paper
speaks for itself, but you should know of a couple of important issues
which it does not state directly.
The most important section of the paper begins on page 7 and deals with
possible limited pressures forward in the direction you indicated in the
Monday meeting. Within this section, on page 8, there is a discussion of
cross-border operations into the Panhandle, and you should know that
General Taylor and many others
would now like to move toward U.S. air operations against the
infiltration routes. Bob McNamara is strongly opposed. I think you may
want to hear argument on both sides on this issue. Max Taylor’s cable giving his view is
attached at Tab A.2
On page 9 there is a discussion of the DeSoto patrol. There is difference
of opinion on when this patrol should go back. Most of us here in
Washington think it can wait ten days to two weeks (as the memo says on
page 1). Max Taylor would like
it to go almost right now, on grounds of signal to the Communists and
encouragement to our friends. On this one also you may wish to hear
More broadly, it occurs to me that this meeting may be a good time for
you to emphasize again the priority we put on Saigon. At Tab B is a very
private letter from Mike Forrestal to John
McNaughton2 which shows that the Army is using rather
routine assignment and reassignment methods there. A bit of questioning
from you to Wheeler might do a lot of good on this point.
Finally, I will give you a one-sheet wrap-up on this before the noon
Washington, August 13,
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for
Far Eastern Affairs (Bundy)3
I. Introduction
The next ten days to two weeks should be a short holding phase in
which we would avoid actions that would in any way take the onus off
the Communist side for escalation.
[Page 674]
We will send the DeSoto patrol back, will hold up on new 34A
operations (continuing only essential re-supply of air-dropped
missions, plus relatively safe leaflet drops), but will continue
intensive reconnaissance of the DRV
and the Panhandle (PDJ if
necessary). Within Laos, the attempt to secure Phou Kout would
continue (napalm may be used in discretion of Ambassador Unger), as would T–28 operations and
consolidation of Triangle gains, but no further military action
would be done or indicated. In view of possible Communist moves in
Laos, road watch and other intelligence efforts should be
intensified accepting some greater risks.
We are not yet sure what the Communist side may do in this period.
They have introduced aircraft into North Vietnam, and may well send
in at least token ground forces. VC activity could step up markedly
at any moment. Although the volume of Chicom propaganda and
demonstrations is ominous, it does not yet clearly suggest any
further moves; if they were made, we would act accordingly. This
paper assumes the Communist side does not go beyond the above.
II. Essential Elements in the
- A.
South Vietnam is not going well. The mission’s monthly
report (Saigon 377)4 expresses
hope of significant gains by the end of the year. But it
also says Khanh’s chances of staying in power are only
50–50, that the leadership (though not so much the people or
the army) has symptoms of defeatism and hates the prospect
of slugging it out within the country, that there will be
mounting pressures for wider action “which, if resisted,
will create frictions and irritations which could lead local
politicians to serious consideration of a negotiated
solution or local soldiers to a military adventure without
US consent.”
In other words, even if the situation in our own view does go
a bit better, we have a major problem of maintaining morale.
Our actions of last week lifted that morale temporarily, but
also aroused expectations, and morale could easily sag back
again if the VC have successes and we do nothing
- B.
- Laos, on the other hand, has shown real military progress—so
much so that a Communist retaliatory move is a real possibility.
If Phou Kout can be secured, present military areas of control
are if anything better for Souvanna than the line of last April.
T–28 operations have been a major factor, and really hurt PL morale. Souvanna’s internal
position is also stronger, though the right-wing generals and
colonels could make fools of themselves again at any
- C.
- Laos negotiations may start to move in the near future
whatever we do. Souvanna has accepted a tripartite meeting in
Paris, and suggested August 24th. With his gains in hand, he has
already indicated
[Page 675]
is likely not to insist on his previous precondition of
Communist withdrawal from the PDJ before agreeing to a 14-nation
conference. The USSR (at least publicly), India, and France—and
the UK and Canada only slightly
less so—are pressing for a conference or at least clear motion
toward one. Souphanouvong’s silence and other indicators suggest
the Communist side may still not accept an early tripartite
meeting or push for a conference, but we must recognize that, if
they do accept a tripartite, it will be a real step toward an
eventual conference. We can and will urge Souvanna to go slow,
but our control will be limited.
- D.
- Hanoi and Peiping, as of now, are certainly not persuaded that
they must abandon their efforts in South Vietnam and Laos. The
US response to North Vietnamese naval attacks has undoubtedly
convinced the Communist side we will act strongly where US force
units are directly involved-as they have previously seen in our
handling of Laos reconnaissance. But in other respects the
Communist side may not be so persuaded we are prepared to take
stronger actions, either in response to infiltration into SVN or
to VC activity. The Communists
probably believe that we might counter air action in Laos quite
firmly, but that we would not wish to be drawn into around
action there.
III. Essential Elements of US
- A.
- South Vietnam is still the main theater. Morale and momentum
there must be maintained. This means:
- 1.
- There is advantage in devising the best possible means
of action that for minimum risks get maximum results in
terms of SVN morale and
pressure on DRV.
- 2.
- We must continue to oppose any Vietnam conference, and
must play the prospect of a Laos conference very
carefully. We must particularly avoid any impression of
rushing to a Laos conference, and must show a posture of
general firmness into which an eventual Laos conference
might fit without serious loss.
- 3.
- We particularly need to keep our hands free for at
least limited measures against the Laos infiltration
- B.
- It is in our interest to stabilize the Laos situation as
between Government forces and the Communist side, and to reduce
chances of a Communist escalating move on this front. (If such a
move comes, we must meet it firmly, of course. We should also be
stepping up Thai support to deter and prevent any Communist
nibbles.) However, Souvanna should not give up his strong cards,
particularly T–28 operations, without getting a full price for
them. Moreover, we must seek to reduce as much as possible the
inhibiting effect of any Laos talks on actions against the
- C.
- Basically, a solution in both South Vietnam and Laos will
require a combination of military pressure and some form of
communication under which Hanoi (and Peiping) eventually accept
the idea of getting out. Negotiation without continued military
action will not achieve our objectives in the foreseeable
future. But military pressure could be accompanied by attempts
to communicate with Hanoi and perhaps Peiping-through
third-country channels, through side conversations around Laos
negotiations of any sort-provided always that we make it clear
both to the Communists and to South Vietnam that military
pressure will continue until we have achieved our objectives.
After, but only after, we have established a clear pattern of
pressure hurting the DRV and
leaving no doubts in South Vietnam of our resolve, we could even
accept a conference broadened to include the Vietnam issue. (The
UN now looks to be out as a
communication forum, though this could conceivably
IV. Timing and Sequence of
A. Limited Pressures (late August tentatively through December)
There are a number of limited actions we could take that would tend
to maintain our initiative and the morale of the GVN and Khanh, but that would not involve major risks of
escalation. Such actions could be such as to foreshadow stronger
measures to come, though they would not in themselves go far to
change Hanoi’s basic actions.
- 1.
- 34 A Operations could be overtly acknowledged and justified by
the GVN. Marine operations could
be strongly defended on the basis of continued DRV sea infiltration, and successes
could be publicized. Leaflet operations could also be admitted
and defended, again on the grounds of meeting DRV efforts in the South, and their
impunity (we hope) would tend to have its own morale value in
both Vietnams. Airdrop operations are more doubtful; their
justification is good but less clear than other operations, and
successes have been few. With the others admitted, they could be
left to speak for themselves-and of course security would forbid
any mention of specific operations before they succeeded.
- 2.
- Joint US/GVN planning already
covers possible actions against DRV and the Panhandle. It can be used in itself to
maintain the morale of the GVN
leadership, as well as to control and inhibit any unilateral
GVN moves. With 34A
surfaced, it could be put right into the same planning
framework. We would not ourselves publicize this planning, but
it could be leaked (as it probably would anyway) with desirable
effects in Hanoi and elsewhere.
- 3.
- Stepped-up training of Vietnamese on jet aircraft should now
be undertaken in any event in light of the presence of MIG’s in North Vietnam. The JCS are preparing a plan, and the
existence of this training could be publicized both for its
morale effect in the GVN and as
a signal to Hanoi of possible future action.
- 4.
- Cross-border operations into the Panhandle could be conducted
on a limited scale. To be successful, ground operations would
have to be so large in scale as to be beyond what GVN can spare, and we should not at
this time consider major US or Thai ground action from the Thai
side. But for air operations there are at least a few worthwhile
targets in infiltration areas, and these could be hit by GVN air. US reconnaissance missions
in the Panhandle would of course continue in any event;
suppressive missions might be considered at some point, but not
until after the GVN has acted in
this area. (Our Panhandle reconnaissance does not have the
justification of a request from Souvanna, as our PDJ operations do.) Probably we
should avoid publicity on air operations so as not to embarrass
Souvanna; the Communist side might squawk, but in the past they
have been silent on this area.
- 5.
- DeSoto patrols could be reintroduced at some point. Both for
present purposes and to maintain the credibility of our account
of the events of last week, they must be clearly dissociated
from 34A operations both in fact and in physical appearance. In
terms of course patterns, we should probably avoid penetrations
of 11 miles or so and stay at least 20 miles off; whatever the
importance of asserting our view of territorial waters, it is
less than the international drawbacks of appearing to provoke
attack unduly. The 20-mile distance would not appreciably change
the chances of a North Vietnamese reaction, while it would
deprive them of a propaganda argument (since a great many other
countries also assert a 12-mile territorial waters
- 6.
- Specific tit-for-tat actions of opportunity could be
undertaken for any special VC or
DRV activity. As Saigon 377
points out, the VC have “unused
dirty tricks” such as mining (or attacks) in the Saigon River,
sabotage of major POL stocks,
and terrorist attacks on US dependents. The first two, at least,
would lend themselves to prompt and precise reprisal, e.g., by
mining the Haiphong channel and attacking the Haiphong POL storage.
- 7.
- US Dependents. This has two aspects. If there were substantial
terrorism against our dependents, we should consider some
specific reprisal against the DRV; however, this has disadvantages in that it
might appear that we were reacting only when US nationals were
hit, and ignoring the regular pattern of terrorism against South
Vietnamese. The second aspect, whether or not there are
terrorist attacks, is the possible withdrawal of our dependents.
If the situation should reach another intense point, withdrawal
might be useful in itself as a signal to Hanoi that we were
really getting ready for business.
- 8.
- The sequence and mix of US and GVN actions needs careful thought. At this point,
we should emphasize both the GVN
role in actions and rationales directly relating actions to what
is being done to the GVN. Overt
34A actions should be the first moves, and the GVN would go first in air attacks
against the Panhandle. But there are advantages in other
respects to actions related to US forces. If we lost an aircraft
in the Panhandle, we could act hard and fast, and of course
similarly for any attack on the DeSoto patrols. Probably the
sequence should be played somewhat by ear, with the aim of
producing a slightly increased tempo but one that does not
commit us prematurely to even stronger actions.
[Page 678]
Summary. The above actions are in general limited and controllable.
However, if we accept—as of course we must—the necessity of prompt
retaliation especially for attacks on our own forces, they could
amount to at least a pretty high noise level that might stimulate
some pressures for a conference. New DRV air and AA
capability may also produce incidents.
These actions are not in themselves a truly coherent program of
strong enough pressure either to bring Hanoi around or to sustain a
pressure posture into some kind of discussion. Hence, we should
continue absolutely opposed to any conference.
B. More Serious Pressures
All the above actions would be foreshadowing systematic military
action against the DRV, and we might
at some point conclude such action was required either because of
incidents arising from the above actions or because of deterioration
in the SVN situation, particularly
if there were to be clear evidence of greatly increased infiltration
from the north. However, in the absence of such major new
developments, we should be thinking of a contingency date for
planning purposes, as suggested by Ambassador Taylor, of 1 January 1965.
Our present thinking is that systematic action against the DRV might
start by progressive attacks keyed to the rationale of infiltration
routes and facilities, followed by other selected military-related
targets. However, the mix is now hard to foresee and would obviously
depend heavily on specific incidents and desired signal strength at
any one time.
C. Handling Laos Negotiations
- 1.
- We would wish to slow down any progress toward a conference
and to hold Souvanna to the firmest possible position. Unger’s
suggestion of tripartite administration for the PDJ is one possibility that would
be both advantageous and a useful delaying gambit. Insistence on
full recognition of Souvanna’s position is another point on
which he should insist, and there would also be play in the hand
on the question of free ICC
operations. As to a cease-fire, we would certainly not want this
to be agreed to at the tripartite stage, since it would remove
Souvanna’s powerful T–28 lever. But since Souvanna has always
made a cease-fire one of his preconditions, we must reckon that
the other side might insist on it before a conference was
convened-which we would hope would not be for at least 2–3
months in any case.
- 2.
- If, despite our best efforts, Souvanna on his own, or in
response to third-country pressures, started to move rapidly
toward a conference, we would have a very difficult problem. If
the timing of a Laos conference, in relation to the degree of
pressures we had then set in motion against the DRV, was such that our attending or
accepting the conference would have major morale drawbacks in
South Vietnam, we
[Page 679]
might well have to refuse to attend ourselves and to accept the
disadvantages of having no direct participation. In the last
analysis, GVN morale would have
to be the deciding factor.