3. Telegram From the President to the Ambassador in Vietnam (Lodge)1
CAP 63633. Personal for Ambassador Lodge from the President. At my instruction, John McCone has searched the rolls of Agency officers to find the ablest senior executive in the whole outfit for assignment as the new chief of station. I told him that the operation in Vietnam is an absolutely number one priority. He has nominated, and I have approved the appointment of [less than 1 line of source text not declassified]. I shall see De Silva when he is back here, and I will say to him what I now say to you, that it is of the first importance that there be the most complete understanding and cooperation between you and him. He will understand that you are the head of the Country Team, and his reputation in a series of previous appointments of this sort is that of absolutely outstanding cooperation with the Ambassador. I am concerned not only to sustain effective cooperation, but to avoid any mutterings in the press. I look to you all to ensure the complete absence of any backbiting and the establishment and maintenance [Page 4] of a relationship of genuine trust and understanding at all levels. I cannot overemphasize the importance which I personally attach to correcting the situation which has existed in Saigon in the past, and which I saw myself when I was out there.2
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Vietnam Country File, Vol. I, Pres./Rusk/Lodge Messages. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Sent to Saigon over CIA channels.↩
- For documentation on Vice President Johnson’s trip to Vietnam, May 11–13, 1961, see Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, vol. I, pp.135 ff.↩