97. Memorandum of Discussion1


AND DCI ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 5:30 to 7:15 p.m.,


Note: Mr. Earman is to have this memorandum read by DDCI, DDP, and DDI, and appropriate actions taken immediately.

Agenda Item 2. McCone discussed the memorandum on the reorganization of USIB (copy attached)2 and advised the President that in view of JCS objections, which had been consistently stated for the past year, McCone now concluded that USIB would remain as is (except for DDCI’s membership) for a few months allowing DIA to complete organization [Page 199] and assume responsibilities. McCone emphasized this did not change the ultimate conclusion that USIB should be organized in accordance with NSC and President Eisenhower’s and President Kennedy’s decisions. The President stated that Lemnitzer would like to meet with President protesting this decision. McCone suggests no further discussions for several months. The President agreed. Action: This matter will be held in abeyance; however, subject to be placed on agenda next USIB meeting for oral discussion by McCone and indication that NSC will ultimately be implemented.3
McCone submitted proposed memorandum from the President to interested agencies concerning DCI responsibility. Copy attached. McCone also submitted SecState’s letter advising President the letter was to be returned to Mr. Rusk.4 (President read Rusk letter with obvious amusement.) The President read memorandum and approved subject to staff review and asked memorandum be submitted to Mr. McGeorge Bundy promptly. Note: Bundy requested memorandum on January 8th, however, when Rusk’s letter returned to SecState he had requested memorandum be returned to him for review and either modification or submission of revised letter. This must be completed by January 9. Action: Mr. Earman should secure letter or revised memorandum from SecState on January 9, review again with Kirkpatrick and Coyne and Schuyler, to be sure memorandum conforms with recommendations of Killian Board and then submit memorandum to Mr. Bundy for immediate implementation.3

[Here follow paragraphs 3–12, dealing with other subjects.]

John A. McCone5
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Files, Job 80–B01285A, Meetings with the President, 12/l/61–6/30/62. Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by McCone on January 9. In a handwritten notation on the memorandum, Earman noted that Bissell and Amory had read it.
  2. Document 96.
  3. A marginal notation by Earman reads “Done.”
  4. For the memorandum, see Document 99. The Secretary’s letter was not found.
  5. A marginal notation by Earman reads “Done.”
  6. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.