499. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Canada1

774. For Ambassador from Under Secretary Ball. Endeavoring here expedite reply long standing Canadian request for U.S. participation in canvass interested nations on possibility undertaking multilateral agreement on Law of Sea. Had anticipated that Canadians would raise this subject with us in Ottawa at January 12–13 session and permit us assess strength Canadian Cabinet views this matter. Issue never raised there but before reaching final decision here wish have your personal assessment of (a) likelihood that negative response our part would result Canadian attempt through unilateral action extend territorial sea, (b) strength underlying internal political feeling this subject and extent to which local political situation, particularly in election year, is basis Canadian request; (c) whether Canadians talking in terms six-mile territorial sea and six-mile fishing zone, or three-mile sea and nine-mile zone, or twelve-mile sea; and (d) any other views you may have on this matter, including impact negative response our part on overall US-Canadian relations.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1960–63, 399.731/2–862. Confidential; Limit Distribution. Drafted by George S. Springsteen; cleared by Chayes, Delmar R. Carlson (BNA), and William H. Brubeck (S/S); and approved by Under Secretary Ball.